Saturday, May 21, 2011

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State social? and democratic "? - 2. INDIGNAOS! Attitudes


Who would have thought there would be a social explosion of 15-M??

From the first post in December, how things have changed!

Many texts have contributed to it, but above all the manifest social criticism Indignaos!

Translated into Castilian, the full text here

Hopefully all this is worth something, and not allow our politicians continue becoming our AMOS. As someone wrote about how much I read these days: "We choose to rule us, not to be our masters."

have to fight for us not become enclaves in the service of the Banking and all the big predators. SOCIAL

The state is not a gift that makes us psoe the crumbs of their surplus to the politicians. Is a constitutional right .... They both FEAR to awake from slumber citizens who want to put the fear of people, so it looks like if they are not going to end them all ... Needless to

Health, education, etc. the should pay "them" out of pocket .... No! we pay ALL (all who pay taxes every month ....), (Seg.Social, etc.) every day (taxes, fuel ...).

And the only way that the welfare state to deepen citizen's right to end the hoax of "sharing" of public issues between parties, unions, work buddies, etc.

Ethics feedback is necessary that the current political class, ensconced in SUCK, not willing to consent.

Yesterday someone said that this movement may be more important than "May 68", and hopefully so. Worth to humanize and cut the "tyranny" of the "market ".... Greetings

Thursday, May 19, 2011

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you bring me happiness
when my heart was beating slowly vanished
fragmented into thousands of particles, such as a tempered glass

broken by neglect and indifference of those who reciprocated my
affected with the miseries of deception and betrayal.

You came to the pounding waves of an ocean
deep abyssal
with the beating of the ventricles
Maghreb and the aroma of a concubine sellándote pores.

arrived, love, anger
with eternal spring,
of these emeralds adorn your valleys
and that comets shine in your populated eyebrows.

passion I lay so long desired
and a smile on my lips fresh poppy, red and rosy
petal tissue paper
ready to fly with the trade winds.

I'll take the taste of your lips virgin and desire
licking the thighs, I'm bursting
and female full moon,
eager for your image, your glow,
the brackish taste of your muscles.

I stay, love,
hoping to see you every minute,
to hear from you, your details,
to live you in each of your letters,
in each of the sounds that are born in your mouth ,
because my life without you would be a gloomy cavern,
a filthy hole, sad and dark, which would never be able to escape. Mayte


Painting: "Paolo and Francesca," Edward Charles Halle (1846-1914).

Friday, May 13, 2011

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Kiss me on the mouth and hips,
in time and distance,
under the fertile green of a tropical island that crimps in
look, "nha cretcheu."

rumor Kiss with conch, scallop
African Aphrodite,
kiss with ruddy lips madrepora
in wild arborescences my memory.

Kiss with pounding Atlantic waves,
with titanic force of giant ocean.

olive Kiss me with your eyes fixed, glittering studs
which, in my longing, always kiss
under the silvery stream of stars,
with the warmth of your breath, blending my "saudade." Mayte


Painting: "The Kiss" (1859), Francesco Hayez, Pinacoteca di Brera, Milan, Italy.

Friday, April 15, 2011

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you inspire me ...

You inspire me, love, like ivy that is bundled on my bony joints

to make me breathe the cooing of morning
unrepentant fears and emotions.

You inspire me as a life
late in the womb of a cave deep
and settles in the dark stalactite
shelter overflowing its maternal protection.

You inspire me as bloody bonfire flames
hand forged in the crucible
and proclamations. Mayte


Painting: "Mater Triumphalis, 1892, Annie Louisa Robinson Swynnerton, Musée d'Orsay, Paris.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

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If not for you, how sad
dwell in my heart,
what grief.

If not for you,
the crystal chandeliers of those dance halls
where the breeze of nostalgia,
together over my head, breaking it.

If not for you,
and your friendly smile, die every night
without seeing daybreak, popping
tortured by the crying.

If not for you,
I would drown in saliva of seas and mountains,
and salt from my face
I burn the soul.

If not for you,
hope my days,
life would no longer be a place for me occupied.

Dalianegra Mayte.

Painting "unfinished dinner in winter," Joanna Filipowska Sierk.

Friday, April 8, 2011

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she took his hand in the distance
and led to the center of his chest, beat on it
a tender heart, hidden
an abyss of meekness,
implacable thirst of love lost in unfathomable

inscrutable gravity and short of being infinite
of the ravine where dreams tumble
who have had or will never have a place.

she took his hand in the distance,
her never to quit. Mayte


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Painting: "Cupid and Psyche in the bridal bower "(" Cupid and Psyche in the marriage bed "), 1793, Hugh Douglas Hamilton.

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"WITH THE ESTACADA Marfisa" Luis de Gongora.

A gentleman who, while
with a lady, could not fulfill his wishes

With Marfisa in the lurch so bad Guarnido

you entered your shield, but cleft
not slit your sword.

How much? If
raised in trance was not so crude, and your shame

four tears could mourn, even to leave

of urine taken the shield.

Luis de Gongora.

Painting: "Amazona injury," Franz von Stuck, 1903.

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Oh distinct honor of the liquid element, current
sweet silver stream, whose water
expands the grass are given
with a slow pace!, Because by

who I am freezing and burning,
while you are watching, Love
portrays his face scarlet snow and
in your quiet and gentle motion,

go as you go, do not let loose rein to
the crystal bit wavy
that govern your swift current

that it is not good hosting
confusingly so much beauty in her deep breast
humid the great lord of the trident.

Luis de Gongora. Painting

"water nymph", Herbert James Draper (1863 - 1920).

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"Al Tramonto THE SUN, MIA NINFA" Luis de Gongora.

al tramonto the sun, my nymph, flower
stripping the green plain of logs
the beautiful hand, foot white
grow so doing.

wind running fine gold with galano error, which
lush green poplar leaf
moves to red dawn the day after

most beautiful
girded up his temples of the various remains of her skirt
-term since the gold and the snow-

swear that looked more
to be your garland of flowers, the other being Star , illustrating
that lights the sky at nine.

Luis de Gongora.

Painting: "Nymph" Seignac Guillaume, (1870 - 1924).

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"my favorite poets," Luis de Gongora.

Luis de Gongora y Argote (Cordoba, Spain, 1561-id., 1627). English poet. Born into a wealthy family, studied at the University of Salamanca. Appointed prebendary in the cathedral of Cordoba, played several features that provided the opportunity to travel to Spain. His dissipated life and secular compositions soon won him a reprimand from Bishop (1588).

In 1603 he was in court, which had been moved to Valladolid, eagerly looking for some improvement in their economic situation. At that time, wrote some of his most ingenious letrillas, and caught a fruitful friendship with Pedro Espinosa and engaged in terrible and famous feud with his great rival, Francisco de Quevedo. Definitely settled in the court from 1617, was appointed chaplain of Philip III which, as revealed in his correspondence, did not alleviate their economic difficulties, harass him to death.

Although in his will refers to his "work in prose and verse" has not found any written in prose, except the 124 letters that make up his letters, precious testimony of your time. Although not published during his lifetime almost none of his poetry, they ran hand in hand and were widely read and discussed.

In his early compositions (to 1580) is guessed and the ruthless satire that characterized much of his later work. But light and humorous style of this period will be joined another, elegant and cultured, which appears in the poems dedicated to the tomb of El Greco or the death of Rodrigo Calderon. In the Fable of Pyramus and Thisbe (1617) will produce the perfect union of two registers, which until then had been kept separate.

Between 1612 and 1613 he composed the poems vast solitudes and the Fable of Polyphemus and Galatea, both of extraordinary originality, both thematic and formal. Criticism rained down on these two works, in part directed against highly charged metaphors, and sometimes even "unseemly" for a taste of the time. In a typical feature of the Baroque, but also sparked controversy broke Góngora with all the classic gender distinctions lyrical, epic and even satire. Juan de Jáuregui composed his Antidote against Quevedo Solitudes and attacked him with his malicious poem Anyone who wishes to be educated in one day ... However, Gongora had welcomed the incomprehension with which they were received extensive intricate poems: "Honor has caused me to make me the ignorant dark, that's the distinction of learned men." Gongora

style is certainly very personal, which does not preclude it being considered as a magnificent example of Baroque culteranismo. His speech highlighted by the repeated use of cultism, is the lexical, syntactic is (Accusative imitation of Greek or Latin ablative absolute.) The reading difficulty is accentuated by a profusion of unusual baroque hyperbole, hyperbaton and parallel developments, as well as the extraordinary musicality of alliteration and vocabulary colorful and elaborate.

Its unique use of stylistic devices, which is much criticized, actually delves into a vast lyric tradition that goes back to Petrarch, Mena and Herrera. In the manner of the first, like Gongora of correlations and plurimembraciones, not in the line of balance but in the Renaissance Baroque twist. His circumlocution and architectural vocation all his poetry give it a dark and original, if it is extreme for all the symbolic and mythological Greco-Roman origin.

His fame was enormous during the Baroque, though his prestige and knowledge of his work declined after well into the twentieth century, when the celebration of the tercentenary of his death (in 1927) brought together the best poets and writers of English the time (now known as the Generation of 27) and assumed its final critical reassessment.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

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you speak of the centuries, poet,
and the winds bring the voice of your rhymes,
the murmur of falling letters austere,
of dripping ink
of counting syllables,
that moves her lips and contour
palate heaven
vetoing the air, restricting
vital memory, preventing
beating heart until
verses flow like torrents,
in abundance!
tearing the land and root
of trees cling to it,
tearing the clouds, causing
storms and hurricanes, or just touching,
with soft hands,
the breeze from an ear ready to listen,
of eyes ready to read,
an articulated mouth,
slow or ill, the indefinable music
your inspiration shines.

Dalianegra Mayte.

Painting: Erato, muse of poetry "(" Erato Muse of Poetry "), 1870, Edward John Pointer.

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"SONNET LOVER, Francisco Luis Bernardez.

Sweet as sleepy as the rain, gentle
pure as the rose bloom
and near and far as the wind.

This woman who feels what he feels
and bleeding wound on my own
is fairly
my life and the extent of my thinking.

When I complain, it is my complaint,
and when silent, my silence is her
and when I sing, it is my song.

When trust is her confidence, they hope
is her hope, and
when alive, is her heart.

Francisco Luis Bernardez.

Painting: "Jeune femme ux roses" ("Young woman with roses), 1913, Emile Vernon.

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"OLD LOVE", Francisco Luis Bernardez.

Old Love, whose shadow dims my loving propensity
now ,
're like a shadow on the mountain
lighting of the dawn.

Old Love, whose grief
agility work my joy, you
summit tyranny against freedom

Love Old whose voice stifles the new little voice
are projected word of mouth in a mouth
unpublished child. Love

old, whose sense
made to fit the world in our tears,
are the soul turned into wind and you wind
become song. Love

old, as loving remembrance
each close approach,
you that emotion and can only
who remembers the sea from the land.

Francisco Luis Bernardez.

Painting: "The Wave", 1896, William Adolphe Bouguereau.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

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will not know.

not know your name or mine, do not tell us
no word, until the time
dance in our funeral
for honoring us with the laurel of oblivion.

not know my name but I
that one day you
swore eternal love and arms of the dawn, sleepy,
whispered the sound of your kisses.

not know, my life, I loved
as the dew loves the dawn,
not know that my mouth was fused with the foam
your Río de la Plata. Mayte


Painting: "Andromeda", 1869, Edward James Poynter.

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"I'm done rather than just love," Lope de Vega.

I do not want rather than just love you
no other life, Lucinda, which offer
which give me when I deserve to see you, or see more light
that your eyes clear.

enough for me to wish to live,
to be happy to meet you, to admire the world

magnify and to be Herostratus burn it.

pen and tongue, answering chorus
want to go up
splendid sky where the spirits more pure.

That among such riches and treasure
my tears, my poems, my sighs
long will you forget and insurance.

Lope de Vega.

Painting: Portrait of young man, "Anne-Louis Girodet de Roussy (1767-1824).

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"WHEN I SPENT THE SEA believed my deception," Lope de Vega.

I went to sea when he thought I deceived him
in my old fire temperate
moved moved my nature because nature
use and ongoing damage.

In another sky, another strange kingdom,
my jobs were in my face,
finding, although other age so happens, uncertain
good and some disappointment: it

I love
burns and torments of reason and freedom and deprives me.
Why do you complain that he has the soul?

Can not write, say, or not alive?
Do you with my love I do not feel
I do with my pen I do not write.

Lope de Vega.

Painting: "The Infanta Isabel Clara Eugenia with Magdalena Ruiz, Alonso Coello, s.

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A sonnet sent me to Violante,
in my life I have seen in this predicament;
say that fourteen lines is sonnet:
mockery mocking are the three forwards.

I thought I could not identify consonant
and I'm in the middle of another quartet
but if I look in the first triplet
there is nothing in the quatrains that scares me.

For the first trio I going
and it looks like I came in with his right foot,
end with this verse because I am going to give.

I'm in the second, and yet I suspect that the thirteen
finishing lines;
reckon if you are fourteen, and it's done.

Lope de Vega.

Painting: "Dante and his poem" or "Dante and the Divine Comedy" (1465), Domenico di Michelino. Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore, Florence.

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love with your whistles woke me from deep sleep;
You, you did stick of wood that they tend
powerful arms, turns his eyes

my pious faith ,
as I confess my love for
owner and the word of commitment to follow your sweet
whistles and feet beautiful.

Hey, pastor, then you die for love, do not be afraid
rigor of my sins, because
rendered are so friendly.

So wait and listen to my care;
but how you say I wait, if you
to wait, feet nailed?

Lope de Vega.

Painting: "Diana and Endymion", Louis Jean François Lagrenée, (1724 - 1805).

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Félix Lope de Vega y Carpio , (Madrid, 1562 - id., 1635) English writer. Lope de Vega came from a humble family and his life was extremely hectic and full of love affairs. He studied at the Jesuits in Madrid (1574) and went to university in Alcalá (1576), but did not get a bachelor's degree.

Because composition of a defamatory libel against the actress Elena Osorio (Phillies) and his family, unhappy love affairs, Lope de Vega was banished from the court (1588-1595). This was not the only process that was involved: in 1596, after being pardoned in 1595 from exile, was convicted of concubinage with Antonia Trillo.
He enrolled at least two military expeditions, one who conquered the island of Terceira in the Azores (1583), under the command of Don Alvaro de Bazán, and the other in the Armada. He was secretary of several important characters, such as the Marquis of Malpica or the Duke of Alba, and from 1605 served the Duke Sessa, a relationship rooted in a mutual friendship.

Lope married twice: to Isabel de Urbina (Belisa), with whom he married by proxy after having kidnapped before leaving banished from Madrid, and Juana de Guardo in 1598. Apart from these two marriages, his love life was intense, as it maintained relations with many women, even after being ordained priest. Among her lovers can cite Marina de Aragón, Micaela Luján (Camila Lucinda) with whom he had two children, Marcela and Lope Felix, and Marta de Nevares (Amaryllis and Marcia Leonarda), besides those already mentioned above.

's work and biography of Lope de Vega have a high interlocking, and both were almost abnormal exuberance. Like other writers of his time, cultivated all genres.

The first novel he wrote, La Arcadia (1598), is a pastoral work in which he included many poems. In The shepherds of Bethlehem (1612), another pastoral novel but "the divine" included, again, many sacred poems. Between these two came the Byzantine novel The Pilgrim in his homeland (1604), including four mystery plays. Filomena and La Circe contain four Italian-type short stories dedicated to Marta snowing. In the tradition of La Celestina, humanistic comedy in the vernacular, is ascribed La Dorotea where he tells his frustrated youthful love with Elena Osorio.

His poetry was used in all possible ways and drew him equally popular opera and culteranismo Gongora, but in general, defended the "light verse." On one side are the long poems and unit of narrative tone and often epic affair or mythological, for example: Dragontea (1598), The Beauty of Angela (1602), inspired by Ariosto's Orlando, conquered Jerusalem ( 1609), based on Tasso's Andromeda (1621); La Circe (1624). The religious themes is Isidro (1599) and also the loving Soliloquies (1626). The Gatomaquia (1634) is a parody epic.

As for short poems, his poetry was used for all meters and genres. Is contained in the Rhymes (1602), Sacred Poems (1614), spiritual Ballads (1619), with other rhymes Wins sacred divine (1625), Rhymes of the licensed human and divine Burguillos Tomé (1634) and the Vega of Parnassus ( 1637).
Lope Where we really see the renewal is in the drama. After a long experience of many years writing for the stage, Lope composed, at the request of the Academy of Madrid, the New Art of Making comedies at this time (1609). It exposes his dramatic theories come to be a counterpoint to the theories Horace, at the Epistle to the rammer.

Of the three units-action, time and place, "Lope only advised to respect the unity of action to maintain the credibility, and rejects the other two, particularly in historical works, where we understand the absurdity of your comment; advised the mixture of tragedy and comedy (in line with the author of La Celestina), hence the enormous importance of the figure of funny in the theater and, in general, in all works of the Golden Age, regulates the use of verses according to the situations and relies on the traditional English heritage so as to get their arguments (chronicles, ballads, ditties).

In general, the plays of Lope de Vega revolve around two themes, love and honor, and his audience is quite varied, from illiterate people to the most cultured and refined. In his very extensive work, more than "one thousand five hundred" in the words of the author, are kept secure three hundred allocation.
The subject is so varied that it is difficult to categorize. The largest group is the swashbuckling comedy, based on the intrigue of love action: La dama boba, The affectations of Belisa, The punishment of discrete, Knight of the miracle, the unfortunate Stephen, The discreet love, punishment no vengeance, no love know who and steel of Madrid. Chivalric theme: The youth of Roland and The Marquis of Mantua. Biblical theme and lives of saints: The creation of the world and Dina theft. Classical history: no value against misfortune. English historical events: The Bastard Mudarra and The Duke of Viseo.

His best known works are those dealing with the problems of abuses by the nobles, common scenarios in political chaos century Spain XV, among them are: La Estrella de Sevilla, Fuente Ovejuna, the best mayor, king, Peribáñez and the Commander of Ocaña and The Knight of Olmedo. The love theme is Teodor maid, the dog in the manger, The punishment of discrete, the ugly and the beautiful girl of pitcher.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

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"SONETO DEL AMOR INTUITIVO", Francisco Luis Bernárdez.

our heads together and are so bound our hearts and concerted

inclinations and confused the natures,

our arguments and reasons
and our joys and sorrows are playing

chess pieces equal in color and proportions.

The board of life we \u200b\u200b
committed to two that we know,
although not differentiate,

in a love game we know
no winner, because they both lose,
no loser, because we both win.

Francisco Luis Bernardez.

Painting: "The chess game" ("The game of chess"), 1907, John Singer Sargent.

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"SONETO", Francisco Luis Bernárdez.

recovered to regain what I had to lose first lost,
managed to get what I endured it supported,

whether to be right now
love was necessary to have been hurt by well experienced
I have suffered so, how well I have cried
I cried.

Because after all I checked
it has not enjoyed as
but after having suffered.

Because after all
I understand what the tree is in bloom
lives than it has buried.

Francisco Luis Bernardez.

Painting: "The glow worm" ("The worm bright" or "Firefly"), Annie Louisa Swynnerton, (1844 - 1933).

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"MIS POETAS FAVORITOS", Francisco Luis Bernárdez.

Francisco Luis Bernardez, (Buenos Aires, 1900-1978) Argentine poet Christian inspiration, initially linked to English avant-garde, tireless traveler and lyrical cornet catholicity. He lived in Spain and Portugal from 1920 to 1925, and suffered the contagion of ultraism of which was waged in rapid evolution towards classic mystical background. In his first book, Orto (1922), the predominant tone modernist ultraism abounds in Bazaar (1922) and Kindergarten (1924) to begin to fade in perch (1925), where it arises and to force the Catholic poet of a baroque conceptualized and original.

already on this path, published in 1935 The ship Municipal Prize of Poetry of Buenos Aires, continues to land Sky (1937) and Laura The free city (1938), themes of love and formal metrics. And it reaches its full lyric poems elementary books (1942) and Poems of the flesh (1943), works for which he was awarded the National Prize for Poetry in 1944.

The rest of his work is an extension of the full lyrics with the rhetorical excesses and scholastic hard times impoverish poetry: The Nightingale (1945), Stars (1947), El Angel de la Guarda ( 1949), National Poetry (1949), Flower (1951) and The Ark (1954). His renditions of the hymns of the Roman Breviary and prose works, almost all truly poematic complete the work of this remarkable writer Argentine, who was CEO of Intellectual Culture (1944) and director general of Municipal Public Library (1944-1950) in his country.