State social? and democratic "? - 2. INDIGNAOS! Attitudes
Who would have thought there would be a social explosion of 15-M??
From the first post in December, how things have changed!
Many texts have contributed to it, but above all the manifest social criticism Indignaos!
Translated into Castilian, the full text here
Hopefully all this is worth something, and not allow our politicians continue becoming our AMOS. As someone wrote about how much I read these days: "We choose to rule us, not to be our masters."
have to fight for us not become enclaves in the service of the Banking and all the big predators. SOCIAL
The state is not a gift that makes us psoe the crumbs of their surplus to the politicians. Is a constitutional right .... They both FEAR to awake from slumber citizens who want to put the fear of people, so it looks like if they are not going to end them all ... Needless to
Health, education, etc. the should pay "them" out of pocket .... No! we pay ALL (all who pay taxes every month ....), (Seg.Social, etc.) every day (taxes, fuel ...).
And the only way that the welfare state to deepen citizen's right to end the hoax of "sharing" of public issues between parties, unions, work buddies, etc.
Ethics feedback is necessary that the current political class, ensconced in SUCK, not willing to consent.
Yesterday someone said that this movement may be more important than "May 68", and hopefully so. Worth to humanize and cut the "tyranny" of the "market ".... Greetings
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