Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Cellulitis Nursing Diangosis

"MIS POETAS FAVORITOS", Francisco Luis Bernárdez.

Francisco Luis Bernardez, (Buenos Aires, 1900-1978) Argentine poet Christian inspiration, initially linked to English avant-garde, tireless traveler and lyrical cornet catholicity. He lived in Spain and Portugal from 1920 to 1925, and suffered the contagion of ultraism of which was waged in rapid evolution towards classic mystical background. In his first book, Orto (1922), the predominant tone modernist ultraism abounds in Bazaar (1922) and Kindergarten (1924) to begin to fade in perch (1925), where it arises and to force the Catholic poet of a baroque conceptualized and original.

already on this path, published in 1935 The ship Municipal Prize of Poetry of Buenos Aires, continues to land Sky (1937) and Laura The free city (1938), themes of love and formal metrics. And it reaches its full lyric poems elementary books (1942) and Poems of the flesh (1943), works for which he was awarded the National Prize for Poetry in 1944.

The rest of his work is an extension of the full lyrics with the rhetorical excesses and scholastic hard times impoverish poetry: The Nightingale (1945), Stars (1947), El Angel de la Guarda ( 1949), National Poetry (1949), Flower (1951) and The Ark (1954). His renditions of the hymns of the Roman Breviary and prose works, almost all truly poematic complete the work of this remarkable writer Argentine, who was CEO of Intellectual Culture (1944) and director general of Municipal Public Library (1944-1950) in his country.


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