Friday, March 27, 2009

I Want Tia Mowry Hair

Philosophy of Cowards

are everywhere. Share work, bar, bus and queue at the cinema.

not wear a sign so they are not recognized at first glance. But they leave a trail of cowardice when they talk, each time silent, nod every time, every time consent. Van

friendly because they will not admit that they are cowards who are afraid, who are afraid, they are not able to offer solutions.

say you can not but damage their silence, their words hurt, kill their indifference.

are consenting of barbarism, of small injustices Or massive violations.

And do not look. Do not look at his face because they do not want to see, they do not want to know, because that commit to anything. Nothing.

When they do speak from behind, slandering that has ideas, which advocates a fair and ethical civic behavior, or threatening to supporting social justice changes.

I do not like cowards, I feel sorry, I get angry, they do not understand.

can not be happy people are cowards. Hide their cowardice, disguised condescension tolerance and profane words with his position. "Tolerant with whom?

Many cowards. Do not defend anything that does not tremble, do not have feelings, they have no guts, that nothing matters except Bandullos and fill your bank account.

's not nice being in a partnership where there are many cowards, individualists, those of the first me, then me, and above all I. Where there is brave who dare to prevail Values \u200b\u200bthat you would expect from an honest person and therefore the mountaineer / a (the fellowship, solidarity, etc.) above all other considerations. Where will hinder rather than to provide facilities for the sport accessible to all those who want it.

I will not force anyone to do my level sport, but also admit I prevent conduct or promote an activity (sports) legitimate, legitimate conditions on the dates that will not interfere with any other scheduled activity. Associations lacking in ethics, where the continuity impose a lawless cowards is not worth to join. We must return to fly free. For those who love freedom that gives the mountain can not constrain us with disabilities.

addition, from the defense of the ethical sense, is consistent expose those who from their cowardice are perverting the true spirit and rationale of the mountain in our city ... derived to a hard-nosed commercialism "tourism on the mountain "that has nothing to do with sports.


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