Again and again came to mind that meeting. It was a recurring image and history. In those years, generally not used to having many things, but every so often over someone recounted the same story:
In the early 80's, walking the streets of Santiago was highly concentrated with a partner in the work that had to meet and taking care not to have a tail, that is, not follow. Ten minutes before had met at the agreed point. And the unexpected happened, what ever you think will happen. Others yes, but of course one does. More than once they had heard stories about this guy ... but who has not passed when going to make a point is to ... etc ... etc ... At that time, he touched her.
A young woman, whose eyes never forget the excitement and joy that passed, came and said you're tart, with both names and both names, with a confidence leaving no possibility of replicating it was wrong. She looked at it and yet the emotion, reacted immediately. No, you're confusing me. The girl insisted and told him he had a mate at school and were almost equal, so much alike that even they had similar voice. As she explained that her face was very common that always confused, he was sorry but she was not the person he thought, the joy was disappearing from those eyes.
continued his walk. The companion, who looked askance to see the effect of the meeting, he wondered whether it would be that his name. The continued watching, but her face era el de siempre; no revelaba huellas de inquietud, nostalgia o desagrado. No hubo preguntas ni comentario anecdótico: las normas mínimas de seguridad lo impedían. En la incertidumbre de si existiría un minuto siguiente de sus vidas, el encuentro quedó ahí… aparentemente en el olvido, sin importancia.
Pero ella nunca pudo olvidar ese des-encuentro, trataba de recordar cuál de sus compañeras de curso sería, esos ojos abiertos y alegres seguían grabados en su mente. Al contrario, siempre que podía contaba la historia y concluía diciendo: tengo que saber quién era, aunque sea lo último que haga. En algunos momentos de su vida llegó a pensar que la única vez que someone had expressed such joy in their eyes when they found it had been at that time.
office in the phone rings. Maria Luisa is a former classmate with whom after many years had been found on the Internet. The conversation flows easily, as if only yesterday had been interrupted. In the midst of the conversation, Maria Luisa tells classmates that have started to gather, they were taking advantage of network technologies to locate them as possible. Among those who have contacted is the Cristina Morales, said in passing.
In the early 80's, walking the streets of Santiago was highly concentrated with a partner in the work that had to meet and taking care not to have a tail, that is, not follow. Ten minutes before had met at the agreed point. And the unexpected happened, what ever you think will happen. Others yes, but of course one does. More than once they had heard stories about this guy ... but who has not passed when going to make a point is to ... etc ... etc ... At that time, he touched her.
A young woman, whose eyes never forget the excitement and joy that passed, came and said you're tart, with both names and both names, with a confidence leaving no possibility of replicating it was wrong. She looked at it and yet the emotion, reacted immediately. No, you're confusing me. The girl insisted and told him he had a mate at school and were almost equal, so much alike that even they had similar voice. As she explained that her face was very common that always confused, he was sorry but she was not the person he thought, the joy was disappearing from those eyes.
continued his walk. The companion, who looked askance to see the effect of the meeting, he wondered whether it would be that his name. The continued watching, but her face era el de siempre; no revelaba huellas de inquietud, nostalgia o desagrado. No hubo preguntas ni comentario anecdótico: las normas mínimas de seguridad lo impedían. En la incertidumbre de si existiría un minuto siguiente de sus vidas, el encuentro quedó ahí… aparentemente en el olvido, sin importancia.
Pero ella nunca pudo olvidar ese des-encuentro, trataba de recordar cuál de sus compañeras de curso sería, esos ojos abiertos y alegres seguían grabados en su mente. Al contrario, siempre que podía contaba la historia y concluía diciendo: tengo que saber quién era, aunque sea lo último que haga. En algunos momentos de su vida llegó a pensar que la única vez que someone had expressed such joy in their eyes when they found it had been at that time.
office in the phone rings. Maria Luisa is a former classmate with whom after many years had been found on the Internet. The conversation flows easily, as if only yesterday had been interrupted. In the midst of the conversation, Maria Luisa tells classmates that have started to gather, they were taking advantage of network technologies to locate them as possible. Among those who have contacted is the Cristina Morales, said in passing.
could not quite believe it: was the answer to the question that accompanied for years. Luisa María Cristina says that he once told seemed to find it, but apparently was someone else, but to this day is in doubt whether it was her or not.
Finally Cristina knew his name ... ... Now I could give an explanation. Needed to see her and explain, to make Cristina the repository of all the explanations for those who unwillingly and without being able to greet and we could not see in those long years of darkness.
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