Monday, May 11, 2009

Letter Of Thanks To Pastor After A Funeral

exhaustion, coprolalia and other herbs or simply it's time to take the hair off.

was not dead and was on a binge. Only an intellectual aridity has kept me desert. The day I decided to go to a writing workshop with Jaime Collyer abandoned my blog. Has run a lot of water under the bridge between the coprolalia of Escalona, \u200b\u200bthe proclamation of the Juntos Podemos Arrate, Navarro struggle to appear in the polls and what about the Party of Jiles and performance of their candidate "Image style" to earn screen .

The temptations are many and I have resisted the lure on-line after listening to The March of the anger of the 70 ... "anger when daylight hypocrisy take a walk ... I can not see so many lies organized ... it is better to have free hair fixative that freedom. " Thank you, Marianne and Durietz, for getting me out of this lethargy and monotony.

statements Lagos about his boredom with politics in Chile reached me deeply, and the words of Flores that no question is up to their level and Escalona about that there is no political cuoteo among others, "I confirmed a Again, lucky to be born in a wonderful country, however small, shows that smart politicians. Such intelligence

around me think I was affected and, sometimes, reading the newspaper or chatting with my friends, I have the impression that we live in parallel worlds where words can mean everything and nothing. It is a kind of schizophrenia, where what was good yesterday may be wrong today. Consistency, discipline, continuity, what is this transparency?

The party headquarters has become a medina where everything is negotiated. However, they forgot that exhaustion is not good for trading and can grow in geometric progression. That even the most disciplined we can also get tired.

So I declare this virtual space by default. I got bored of the socialist government policy. Yes, I ran out of political engineering that have taken some of our historic heritage, cultural and individual discussion spaces that the Socialist Party once had. I passed the discipline. I mean, that to go bowing his head or putting your face by decisions taken by some in the name of all.

I will vote for a socialist in December. Jorge Arrate could have been my candidate, but in the past had not negligible opportunities to get off to the left and did not. So vote for Marco Enriquez-Ominami, because Chile actually changed.


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