Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Where To Get Ontario Immunization Records

Yes, maybe, here we see, and no other herbs or simply continue to participate

Maybe this is the last note of the year: there are so few days to the end of 2008. But we are cured of terror. Does not take much time for great things and, of course, that everything remains the same. Therefore it can and can not be the last. On the other hand, maybe good for all, and many use it as the answer "politically correct" more appeal.

conversation with a friend, told him how pathetic my day had been. As he was recounting the circumstances of the day, in different areas with different characters and different ages have discovered the existence of a constant: the lack of unambiguous answers to questions that are answered with a YES or NO. As you read it. The only thing I was looking at the various times was a "simple answer" to a "specific question": Can you attend the meeting? Are you going to give the folder? Did you get mail? Can you answer the letter I sent over a month?

talked to my partner public figures who end up hiding behind the chief of staff or secretary @ did not inform them, because, of course, they always have the best will to listen and respond but "fair" at that time and claimed they can not evasive like "call my office" ... In the end, stay involved.

reminded me of something that happened not long ago. The President of the Socialist Party was in Coyhaique and there my friend Claudio, who lives in the region, said he needed to talk to him. The president said that at that very moment was with the schedules are booked, but if approached Santiago would receive anyway. As fate would Claudio few weeks after travel to Santiago. He went to the headquarters, Paris, and told his conversation with the president and explained how long he would be in the capital. With great kindness, the secretary told her not to worry no need to call him to tell when they would receive. Some time later, it was: it was a sunny day in Patagonia when I phoned to tell him that you can be seen next Friday ... Stay involved.

Without going any further, two days ago, I asked the general secretary of the Socialist Party when they could give me a response to a letter sent two months ago. I will not dwell on the excuses and demases. All I asked for was an answer that was a Yes or No. Very discreet, he replied: "We will look, mate" ... Stay involved.

To avoid suspicion and misunderstanding, I must point out that when I go to party officials made it clear that I am not a candidate for anything, or want to charge or appointment ... just a meeting to see concrete political issues.

The truth is that now you do not care. The speed and diligence SUGEN only when it comes to finding replacement candidates for office. Everything else is a slow, deep philosophical study ideological trend, which finally passed into oblivion by neglect scholars and also by the depletion of the issues raised. There will always be reasons of state and high politics (candidates, pacts, alliances, appointments) that prevent clear answers.

What happens, and it seems that there is the mother of the lamb is that two simple words, an affirmation and denial, yes and no, they mean a decision and commitment. Otherwise, we would have, among other things, presidential candidate and would also start the organization of the primary. However, everything is possible: maybe primary, perhaps political settlement. The important thing is to win. And ask you for the democratic exercise to choose a candidate, then what can I say? .. Scratch and win .... Stay involved.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Wrestling Guys In Thongs

of processions and other herbs or just Captain planet

seems that finally ended the processions, prayers and letters policy. The latest demonstrations these days were made by three Socialist deputies ... Come and let us all with flowers where Lagos ... could be the song that accompanied them.

interest and concern for the future of the coalition must be motivated to pay their respects and homage to the former President, as it would be absurd to think that they felt the need to ensure their places in the upcoming elections parliament. Interestingly, however, one of the deputies Fulvio Rossi, has announced senatorial aspirations, making it clear that "will not be put down."

Finally, after a period of "yes, perhaps not in my plans, not yet the moment, perhaps, etc." Ricardo Lagos Escobar said he would not be a candidate, incidentally damaged the possible candidacy of José Miguel Insulza , put several conditions on the composition of parliamentary lists, questioned the mechanism of the primary and demanded an orderly conclusion. The truth is that it will surprise all the requirements set, ignoring the mechanisms supporters democratic have been generated in recent years for the election of candidates. His self-centeredness undermines the democratic advances of recent years.

parties, parliamentarians, activists and I simply were not up to its height we were not able to guarantee a triumphant return to La Moneda. Our smallness is evident in wanting to participate in a democratic set through an open primary allows us to choose our candidate for President, participate in developing a program that actually offers us a Constitution that serves to achieve a welfare state . Our lack of high-mindedness makes us wish that our representatives in Parliament have commitments real with their constituents and the development of their regions, not the salons where the applications are distributed. Lagos

caused us much damage, but luckily it is irreparable: first, because no candidate is, secondly, the ability to work of Jose Miguel Insulza can make up for lost time, and third, finally, be a primary open to determine who is the candidate of the consultation. In summary, the application will result in a democratic process and no decisions or impositions.

Of course, now remains the most important: developing a program to meet the new challenges and more than same.

In any case: thanks, Ricardo Lagos.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Replace Front Lens Element

Mountain Standards of insecurity in the mountaineer

Greetings Hello.

I could not resist.
always great: 11/normas-de-seguridad-en-montaa.html

are only five rules (safety in the mountains), easy to remember
1) always take reasonable behavior.
2) Respect the mountain.
3) Be attentive.
4) Prepare the computer.
5) Do not leave anything to chance.

perfectly consistent with the previous thread or the last debate I'm having on the forum of the Association.

AMAZING! but true ... just the opposite is how it works in many cases (not all) of our Association (activities of a day)

worst thing is that there will amend anything. Are "in the cloud" that everything is perfect and this is not so ... See examples ... Standards


5) is left almost everything to chance. Planning is not enough "on the ground" and relied on luck as a mode of operation. There are "guides" who can not use maps, and know nothing beyond itself and the only way they know. Most participants do not have the basics of moving in the bush.

No info is given a large advance. Participants do not have enough evidence to decide LIABILITY "before" sign on if the business enters its capabilities ....

In winter rain (or snow). The rivers are usually grown. On the roads can be (much) mud .... In spring and summer, the vegetation tends to grow ... Ignores or despises the behavior of the phenomena of Nature ....

bufff ...

not usually happen because there is nothing serious luck and only do basic activities for fans who like to go for uniform floor with the convenience of going "with his hands in his pockets" and mounted a monumental stir when attempting do something with a little bit more difficulty.

God all is permitted to pay the fee without requiring any physical or technical requirement. "Who are you to ban obese people go or no boots?" . With questions of this type and some expletives ....
A person who is unable to walk at a normal pace of 3 km / hour, in plain or with a drop below 200 mts , to forgive if I offend you (because they feel offended if you tell), but is unable to go to a hiking trail ....
Who can not walk more than 15 km (almost flat, or with no slopes greater than 600 meters in a day ... ...) is also able to go to a hiking trail of an association "mountain ".... Go for "walks" through the countryside, but no more !!!....

4) "Equipment"?

haha \u200b\u200b... If it agrees to go with sneakers!. It is a utopia to get all wear boots, and enough water to carry raincoat. You have to be very unconscious carry only 1 / 2 L in a day of sun (and more irresponsible than consent). Micromochilas
's see ... "5 L?? ... And "fanny"?? The ultimate !!.... To throw your hands to the head ....

3) Be aware ...

If they are going or the "guides" to pass some crossings and where to go is not. It must be very difficult to wait at intersections ... You have to know how to walk according to the type of terrain or "upset" to learn (or ask). The guide is not going to take the hand, telling us where to put the foot (in the mud .... resbalaaaa because, incredible but true, there are people who "bother" if there is mud on the roads in winter ... .)

2) Respect the Mountain

not start anything. If we like the "seedlings" there nurseries. Respect the fruit that can be owned. You can only pick up the fallen futos on public roads (or according to local customs, eg the "gleaning"). Do not be animal species. Respect Standards de los espacios naturales...sé que resulta dificil y me da "verguenza ajena" pasar como las hordas de Atila.

1) Comportamiento RAZONABLE.

¡Qué dificil es definir qué es razonable! ... Podriamos llamarlo tener SENTIDIÑO: Ser consecuentes con nuestras capacidades y, como reclamo siempre: no hacer actividades por encima de nuestro nivel físico ó técnico.

No OBLIGAR a ir a los demás a un ritmo inadecuadamente lento por sistema; ni ir a todo correr y "que me siga el que pueda". En todas las actividades deportivas hay niveles y lo razonable es que haya actividades de distintos niveles en función de las diversas capacidades.... para progresar entre el nivel 0 y el 10.

-day activities have to be ALWAYS initiation. "Blas said to him, and round about." Why??

If I DO NOT LIKE DRIVING cars ... I prefer to wear! by bus ... but require that all travel by bus ("egg") as the only option .... because "some" people seem to give you "panic" move by car .... is not unreasonable. Reasonable is

KNOW that the movement of people on the mountain can not be governed by the same parameters as in a safe environment such as a city. Aid (accident) is not available immediately and may take hours ...

Individualism can be defensible in work environment "hostile", but on the mountain I consider fundamental fellowship. But the group spirit can not improvise in difficult situations if you previously had "killed." Greetings

Friday, November 28, 2008

How To Get Rid Of Scat Fetish



Anyone can go to the mountain or the mountain.

What differentiates us (or should we differentiate) to people who do so from an Association "Mountain" is the highest degree of commitment, both with ourselves and with others.

A person can go with the mentality of "Tourist" and while it is legitimate, do not consider it appropriate in a "Partnership Mountain ".

Tourist Mentality: thinking out we get everything done, that's what we charge, and also give us" a la carte. "That's normal, unfortunately, many associations Hiking offered to the general public. That would not be bad if not coartese the possibility of other activities. INITIATION activities are OK, but stay permanently in the initiation do not consider it positive.

People just looking for a while Leisure the weekend with their selfishness, they pervert the reason for the associations created for mountaineering.

If someone hurts are those who only seek leisure.

What is the height of absurdity is seeking to "cast" to partners who claim that the Association decides to implement their ethical sense and commitment.

COMMITMENT must be first with ourselves.

Know our capabilities and be enrolled in the activities being aware of what we do. Do not do things that exceed our physical or technical level.


be aware that although our colleagues can help us (another thing they do ... in the hiker-tourist routes and know that You can trust it) is not your normal activity UNDERMINE Ethics for our selfishness.

Unfortunately, it is common that each go to his own ....

in activities such as " you can follow me ... ", for their own common sense and not about to me. I know there are people who do not bear the activity, they will wait for the weak (or adapted accommodation, restaurant, etc), but most of what they will ....
tourism activities in walkers (which are the only ONE day to do and do not do in my association) almost everyone is going to "the ball", and sometimes just the opposite occurs, there is always a / to tocanarices that " because I have to wait another " (because they want to take a photo, or pick mushrooms, or "steal" fruit). This kind of skills they break the normal harmony of which I like to enjoy when I go to the mountain as a group.

is sad to see you lose the degree of fellowship aid in Fords, crosses, etc by downloading all the "work" on the organizers. Even they "bother" when federal support other participants ....

View as no ongoing commitment to the environment, tearing branches and plants unnecessarily, or leaving trash everywhere, or not respecting the rules of natural parks (camping, eg)

This commitment should not be necessary to claim that it arises from "motu proprio" on people who freely choose to join sports clubs Mountain but this is not so.

If it is difficult to have participants engaged in it all work as a team, should be regulated in some way that does not creep "undesirables" that only throw for themselves and not for the group, both the "present" as the FUTURE.

People who live alone do not have this spirit entity. Are not committed, girls and seriously damage the future attitude.

Those who watch their selfishness is only natural that it bothers them that reproach and claim a future commitment.

ALL Trying to make the activity dataO they want, safely, according to their level, and not just a few "chosen" is also a future commitment. Greetings

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Chinese Curried Chicken Calories

dog in the manger "Allende vision of a militant" or just simply

The day gave the penultimate copy of the book written by my father "a militant vision Allende" in 1992, I realized I had to reedit. In the year of the centenary of Salvador Allende and 15 years of Jaime Suarez's departure seemed the best time to make and to honor not only our beloved President, but to all the anonymous men who have risked their lives noble and just cause of the workers.

At first I sought support, but before long I noticed that this was a way irrelevant. So with my inner circle imagine the ceremony and we took on the task of launching the 10th of November at the Centro Cultural Palacio La Moneda. All work displayed on the output, sending invitations, choosing presenters, preparation of the slide, the script, etc.. Notwithstanding exhausting, it was worth. Thanks to the understanding of my children, support Panguipulli come directly from the hand of my friend Bea, Laura and Brown for the cocktail, my colleagues and Osvaldo Nury had to take care of all the work in office, my brother and read to constantly listen to the Bernadette Cancino, the Fanny for his photo, all who were, who could not reach, which are in the Facebook group. Thanks to all who made possible the realization of this dream

Cultural Center was packed, excited faces a reunion, a great silence about the activities of Juan Pablo Cárdenas, Eduardo Contreras and Isabel Allende, and a male audience expectantly at each appearance of the Master of Ceremonies: Maria Esperanza Silva.

"Allende: Vision of a Militant," written from the vantage point of the first class participant in the events he narrates. Pen easy, entertaining, often poetic, but also carefully documented, Jaime Suarez gave us a vision of Allende from the perspective of a socialist activist base in 1958 working on his second presidential campaign and escorts him to the electoral victory of 1970.

My father makes us partakers of the scenes of events like the creation of the Unidad Popular and the nomination of its presidential candidate, also shares delightful anecdotes that help to understand the environment in which the story was conceived.

The volume, 208 pages, spares no talent and keen insight to offer concise yet deep profiles of socialist leaders and people close to Allende.

The master of ceremony and my daughter Marisol read the foreword for this edition by José Miguel Insulza, who concludes the presentation of the work in the following words: "There are many who are proud of being socialists like Allende and I think many will also , which after reading this book will say also, and Jaime Suárez socialists. "

Finally, I can not help but highlight the bright greeting by the President of the Socialist Party, where Bright ... conspicuous by his absence.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Evacuation Drill Checklist

Bastidas Jaime Suarez Jaime Suarez and looks Golondrinas

Golondrinas Jaime Suarez and . Written by Jorge Uribe Navarrete and published in The Nation the first days of November 1993. George died in January 2008 and be my tribute to you 15 years of your words.

Golondrinas Jaime Suarez and
Atypical was the funeral of Jaime Suarez Bastidas on Saturday, the Metropolitan Cemetery, to the magical sounds of traditional Mexican farewell song "Las Golondrinas" His remains were met with his beloved .

I met him in 1969, amid the vicissitudes of the campaign of Salvador Allende. I worked as his subordinate when he was the Prime Minister Secretary General of the Popular Unity government. He soon was in charge of Minister of Interior. In 1973 it was Senator of the Republic.

and began the great drought. Jaime left the country covered by the generous protection of Peru. Then, serving as commissioned by the Socialist Party, lived in Moscow and Berlin.

Eventually went to Mexico, a nation in which he was happy to the degree that his affection for that country became a passion. And there we became friends, blighted by the nostalgia for the distant homeland and prostrate renewed affection upon return.

Just days before he died he called me to urge me to read an article he wrote in La Nacion, which referred to the "amate plant "which is the Mexican geography, a color cast that penetrates the soul.

loa In each paragraph, Suarez recalled the old Mexican legend says that at night, in some deserted plains of the State of Morelos, where the wind blows between the trees, hear the galloping horse of Emiliano Zapata, continues its fight to correct social injustices.

In a flash of rebellion, Jaime pointed out that the same horse should ride on ... but in Chile, mainly due to the crowded streets of San Miguel.

reminisced in stale conversations often the last decade of our Socialist Party where we share years of hope and struggle, triumph and emotion, loss and persecution, to arrive until after those dull, tasteless, colorless.

Why have I not taken over the wisdom of the teacher!

I'll never know, although I sensed on Saturday, while listening to mariachis sing over his grave, I will be hard to forget.

Monday, October 13, 2008

2010 Military Buggies

In future, challenges, courage and other herbs or simply said ...

A beautiful sunny Saturday morning of October we met a group of people in a game that bore the name A Look into the Future - Dialogue with José Miguel Insulza. We

, literally at the top of the hill, as we congregate Anahuac Casa de la Cultura in San Cristobal. A crowd entertaining, friends not seen for some time and, above all, the joy of knowing at the same stop. Is not a minor issue on the eve of presidential candidate definitions.

The central statement of José Miguel Insulza, in my opinion, was the need to close a period in the consultation and in the country. Progress in reforms to enable the country meet the challenges posed by globalization and the new world, with the participation of citizens as legal subjects.

In other words, a reform State, together with ensuring the rights of citizens, end to inequality and allows for greater democracy and participation of people. For that, he proposed a constitutional amendment to endorse such guarantees in order to achieve a welfare state.

We invited and led to the outstanding issues to create the institutional conditions and policies to eliminate the inequalities and address the changes that Chile needs to make a leap to development. For example: "Our tax system does not redistribute." If we live as in the first world with their health services, education and transportation, we must be willing to pay taxes, and taxes not African.

listened attentively. Among the robustness of the action and my recurring and skepticism about how the Coalition is doing more of the same, the Chinaman appeared in all of us: you do not kernel or kernel.

And then I realized the reason that this meeting will be held at the Cultural Center Anahuac. At one point, something clicked me (probably a specialist can explain it to me). With conviction and clarity, he said, a democratic state is a fight we must take and the new constitution must guarantee everything that we want to protect. I have said much better, but more or less so I recorded his words. Anahuac

means the land between the waters or a place near the water and realized that there was solid ground .. Panzer's words were more of the same, quite the contrary. But be bold enough to make profound changes. The elections are won or lost, but Chile must be one of the few countries known after the election counts, everyone wins.

In this turning me the conviction that the only way to win the presidential future is to be prepared to lose. Yes, willing to lose. The contingent of bureaucrats and technocrats rooted in all the estates should be concerned and understand once and for all that, Insulza said, the fight we have to give is a democratic state and a new constitution.

I come home happy, excited about my candidate for President and my son tells me: "Oh, you always get your hopes up and then ... always the same: the binomial system, rather nominal, public rudeness and counting ... "

prefer to ignore my son and I go to my library and pulled out the trial of Alfonso Reyes" Vision de Anahuac " (1519) and then find the right words to conclude the jorrnada: "Ours, Anahuac it is something better and more toned. At least, for those who like to be alert all the time the will and clear thinking. "

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Sentry Safe V330 Open

I read: "Practice climbing without fear but with security."

Hello. Interesting

Guide published by the Ministry of Interior of the Principality of Asturias, together with the 112 and the FEMPA, conducted by a commander of the Mountain GC.

I will comment on certain aspects that are not only respect but even despises who claims that these "minimum" are met in the activities of their association.

first performs certain definitions and principles:
(in BLUE indicating that publication)

"The mountain is a person who seeks freedom in the mountains, life in the nature, with all its privileges and rewards, responsibilities and requirements "

" climbing in the best case, an activity full of joy ... and the worst cause frustration, disappointment and even disaster who ignore the severe impersonal rules of Nature "

" To prevent the risks must first know them, know their origins and causes ... "

people and not ignore, but which denies the existence of those who sell the bike everything is easy .... that anyone is able to hike regardless of who is obese, or have blood pressure problems or any medical problems and could prevent the sport in safe environments (such as gyms or similar), is incurring unnecessary risks by not and the head of the excursion, but to all the "expeditionary" to be support modifications and delays of the activity affecting the normal development of it.

Prepare for the activity: It seems

platitude, but acts as if it were necessary absolutely NOTHING ....

- do some exercise during the week and before each activity to a minimum heating (or begin to walk slowly to warm up gradually and then we can increase the pace ... but no longer than STOP walking ... it's rise to Pindo was grotesque ... running every 20 minutes they stopped another 20 or 30 minutes, at 5.3 km (627 m of altitude) were 6 stops ... so it took 3 and a half hours ... desperate! for anyone who wants to go to a normal pace).

- is a need for good hydration

still far too common that the participants did not take more than 1 (or 2) bottles of ½ L, and no impact on the need to carry enough water.

There is a very important aspect, which ninguneo in a very strange

before undertaking the activity (reminds us of the Guide) tell us:

- property the route or activity, the physical and technical support to cope.
- From the duration of the
- From the weather forecast and give warning

(where we stayed, for example) of the activity to be undertaken, planned route, time of departure and return, to facilitate the activation of emergency services in case of loss or
How can anyone still be able to "defend" (right in the XXI s) that need not be give any prior information to the participants? ... What to give it (the bus) and the road is enough ... that each judge ...

"Based on what is arguable that can allow" anyone "to pay, without requiring a" minimum " fitness?

The "warn" in the housing .... science fiction ...


in the backpack.

shoes in good condition to protect the ankles ..... Cap ....

continues to tolerate the participants with old and tattered beach, without hat or scarf in bright sunlight.

The recommended material is science fiction at the outputs of hiking. 50 people I can count on the fingers of one hand (and me too many fingers), which are thermal blanket.

kit ... hehe .. here for me .... too many fingers although total!, so that I consider the Demon if you dare to offer a simple strip ....

Compass, map, front ... what ... follow me on fingers ....

Consider all the basic equipment of this Guide as "unnecessary" (of course is nearly coincident with whom I, excluding slings)

Start Exercising

hook Never let anyone in our group ... . the pace will mark the weakest ... retire early is a victory, not a failure ... not the activity with dense fog ... discusses common mistakes that alone .... The marathon, or the summit at all costs do not seem activities for sports groups, but solitary, and therefore can not accompany some "elites" who believe that everyone should carry the same weight (its part of the store, etc.) at the crossings, regardless of the athlete despite 90 kgs or 55 kgs ... "and that if you can not your party had not come" (do not know if I was surprised or scared when they told me such villainy ...).

Some contingencies

If an accident occurs, if possible, leaving only the victim and to separate themselves from danger. PUT IN A SAFE PLACE
Da certain recommendations of First Aid but NO time indicates that you can not do ANYTHING. The "Pontius Pilate" is the usual .... more to surprise the reader ...
I encoragino when certain "health professionals" will refrain from an interest in a business partner, because it is their responsibility .... As the psychological contribution can be crucial to the life of a rugged, motivation is as important as cure .

The placebo effect of doing something but will relieve medically little can make a difference ....

SUMMARY And it's a gem:
hiking requires a proper physical preparation, climbing above that requirement should not be starting the adventure and risks must be well evaluated.

ALWAYS ensure strict compliance with safety standards.

And yet there are officials who argue that does not require any physical fitness and support to people who do not. That do not assess any risk, neither good nor bad, and mock those who ask that all those who run activities for an equal, meet minimum standards of training and information.

Of course the public exhibition in this forum will bother those who still defend bad behavior ... any day passes require a disgrace and legal responsibilities, and will not be for ads .... I think that must change habits, for solutions before it is too late.
Although there who does not see the need to change anything .... Greetings

Monday, September 29, 2008

Wedding Response Card With Food Options

Chinese Spring elections, new wind and other herbs or just in September there is no second without third.

I thought the above would be the last note of September, but in reality as is the spirit dieciochero I thought he might give me gustito to enjoy a third.

spring came ... joy ... yes, even joy, but Cirque du Soleil's hand.

One of the things that most struck me when I lived in Moscow was that the spring came by decree on May 1. Yes, and no joke. One went for a walk last night and saw everywhere workers planting flowers for the May Day parade.

in Santiago is a little bit different, especially if in an election year. On 21 September unnoticed, but the night of the 25th, on the eve of legal campaign everywhere preparing candidates and the challenge proved to be similar to year-end, until they reached the twelve o'clock and officially began campaign. From a candidate in baby doll, to a candidate that literally policy undressed him, to others, with the community at heart.

which abounds in Chile today are the candidates, thousands of candidates for mayor and council. In my family they say that I tend to exaggerate things a bit, but this is not the case: there are thousands, literally.

go and enjoy the spring air and find that my neighborhood is overrun by pigeons, doves, palomotas. They are not just birds, no less have an olive branch in its beak. In every corner you see propaganda flyers, scratched. I live in San Miguel and I have more than clear that I will vote by Julio Palestro for Mayor and Councilman Carlos Garcia for as they have done a very good job in four years. So I do not even hint to pick up a flyer in the street, but in my garden and inevitably I have to read them just to prove my theory: most candidates talk about protecting the environment, of household waste, are ultimately the most dirty and polluted.

I'm not against the campaign or anything, but the way they do. I'll stick with the traditional custom door to door, hand in hand from the nearby or neighbor's propaganda. I prefer the conversation, dialogue, especially when the community is the core of our democracy. Local government is where citizens should participate actively and for that we need candidatos que recorran a pie y conozcan a cada uno de los vecinos. Pero en fin, llegará el día en que votaremos digitalmente, y eso a lo mejor nos traiga campañas ambientalmente más amigables.

Con todo, está bastante más entretenida la política…. Las elecciones municipales de este año vienen cargadas de sorpresas. Por fin, no es más de lo mismo. Por primera vez la concertación va en listas separadas para concejales, por primera vez hay pacto por omisión con el Partido Comunista, por primera vez los descolgados de la Concertación llevan sus propios candidatos. Lo que a algunos podría parecer desastroso lo encuentro fantástico: de a poco la ingeniería electoral binominal se begins to disarm.

will be the effect of the spring ... but I think we're finally moving forward to achieve a politically more democratic and end the binomial system exclusive ...

Thursday, September 25, 2008

How To Make A Pool Triangle

I have read: "First Aid. How to prevent and cure mountain

Hello. Manual

convenient and ideal to carry in your backpack (if you get kit ... because otherwise why?), For its small size (11 * 19 cm) and lightweight. Http://

recommended reading for those who think "prevention is better" and that "knowledge does not take place," although no book can replace a good course or health professionals.

As the book itself suggests, "is designed for mountaineers at every level who wish to have a book summary for easy reference."

summarizes some basic concepts that every climber should know, to offer first aid in emergencies and where any assistance it can take hours ....

Although these concepts and had known of other courses, it is difficult to remember ... The scout must have ability to be autonomous and self-sufficient. Glad

check that confirms an issue for me crucified and which was successful but my position. They should read some responsibility for some association ... (And have a bit of humility ...)... because I am proud to behave according to the notions contained in manuals of this type ...

think should not move the injured person under any circumstances and not to touch it ... and nothing is further from the truth. A fundamental principle is " avoid worsening the rugged " take appropriate measures to avoid additional risks and remove to safe place (or protected) and course wrap (and not "just" plug it ...). All within the doctrine PAS (Warn, "only", ...). conscience is clean

I also noticed that I have been identical to that recommended the medicine cabinet ... and concepts of drug use are the same.

usually participate in group activities where it is common that hardly anyone takes the basic equipment, and rarer still take medicine cabinet, not for personal use (except mine) but collective. It is better not to have to use it and never take it, do not take it and need it. In any accident can happen to us, and certainly not dejasen we would like "lying like a dog" until they reached the professional ... that the mountain can be many hours ... and the difference between being busted or not, may be in the hands of your colleagues want to help or not ....

Obviously, for "unpresentable" (selfish, self-centered ...) that are inhibited if a partner has an incident (let alone an accident ..), those who do not know, or want to learn and even less help (their peers), for those who think that the ambulance will arrive in the middle of the forest 5mn for those who "wash their conscience" going to tell, neither it nor any book they will be useful. It was almost better to stay at home. People unsupportive "exceeds" on the mountain (like those who litter or do not respect the rules of natural areas ...); better to wander their selfishness by other sites. Greetings

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Kate Playground Majorwager

De Te Deum Laudamus, elections and other herbs or just in September there is no second

The Te Deum
Ecumenical September 18, 1972 would be the second of its kind and the last of President Salvador Allende. In this photo taken that day to his right is the President of the Senate, Ignacio Palma, and to his left, President of the Supreme Court, Manuel Urrutia, and the Minister Interior, Jaime Suarez.

By taking as President in November 1970, Dr. Salvador Allende G. the then Archbishop of Santiago, Cardinal Raul Silva Henriquez, the Te Deum had ecumenical character, to which he agreed. So in 1971 Raúl Cardinal Silva Henríquez invited the Santiago Metropolitan Cathedral of bishops and pastors of other churches to participate with their prayers at the ceremony. So the Ecumenical Te Deum is another legacy of Salvador Allende.

laundamus Te Deum, which means to you, praise God, is a very old song which dates back to the fourth century and is attributed to St. Ambrose composition.

This song of thanksgiving to God, was installed in our traditions in 1811 when José Miguel Carrera asked the ecclesiastical authority of the season to be held to commemorate the first anniversary of the National Governing Board. Great composers of all times and places have been exploited to produce exquisite pieces for choir and orchestra. In Chile, the music of Maestro Vicente Bianchi joined us from 1970 to 2000. Last year he released a version whose music is the work of Fernando Carrasco.

Following the story, at first this song was sung by the end of the mass. He was reportedly at the request of Miguel Luis Amunátegui that 1870 Te Deum was celebrated every September 18 with no Eucharist. (At that time to receive communion took several days of fasting).
begin to find a source that I was Amunátegui corroborate the author of the initiative. The texts say that I find on internet all the same, but somehow never quite convinced. Doubt me uneasy and delivery to my desk to search the library history of Chile, Encina, Castedo. I must admit that I did not find the answer.

However, what I found during the search was to forget the reason that led me to open Volume II of Encina Castedo. Amunátegui, Minister of Interior in the second administration JJ Perez, exposing their agenda in the House of Representatives said: "Governments have an imperative duty to guarantee to everyone the full freedom to disseminate their ideas and make them accept, but at the same time, have no less holy avoid as much depends on them, startups and civil strife ... "The diversity of opinion, appropriate and necessary, it in no way justifies the existence of deep and bitter hatred between individuals of the same nation, brothers who must work for the prosperity of the common fatherland. "

Me enthusiasm and continue reading. I find the freedom of exams passed on January 15, 1872 by the Minister Abdon Cifuentes this great initiative but I think the same when I discovered that nothing in the Government Amunátegui Aníbal Pinto, as Minister of Justice and Public Instruction, ruled by decree, issued February 6, 1877, that women could be admitted to pay valid test at the University of Chile to qualify for professional qualifications as long as we sometiésemos to the same conditions as men.

Amunátegui Grande!

would you say today if you saw a woman President in Chile in a Te Deum Ecumenical also just a day after Salvador Allende won their second choice ... This time from eternity, as the most important figure in our history.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Why Are People Posting Numbers About People

first in September and other herbs or just

Sometime in social science classes, studying the first period of Arturo Alessandri Palma surely heard as the story of "saber rattling" and not pay greater attention. The year was 1924 and the draft parliamentary allowance would be the catalyst that sparked the current malaise in the Army. The officers attended meetings of the Senate to express their displeasure when the Minister of Defence asked to withdraw, the military noted their discomfort rattling their sabers. Ibanez leads the movement. Alessandri leave the country and raises the Board Government in September 1924. Then came the 1925 constitution and history is well known. All this happened in September

When we were kids the illusion of the arrival of the month the country was great. September, in our fantasies, meant kites, crafts making garlands tricolor, but especially for us girls: buying the diciochera taken. It was a time when you had the school uniform and taken a couple of Sundays. Cuesta convey the excitement and joy that accompanied the arrival of September, just imagine going to "Santiago" to buy a dress and a pair of white shoes Bata, was the greatest. Now people go to La Cisterna to the Centre. We went to Santiago.

September 35 years ago is another. We changed the country and transform ourselves. The cueca is started dancing around the world, exiles making eight in the most remote places on Earth and in Chile, the Cueca Sola. in the name of the memory, to transmit the memory of the disappeared.

celebrate joyfully spend August, which means no wait for September with the same spirit. The weight of the deep pain of a company becomes a burden which is difficult to walk the streets in those days.

is September 11th, sooner I get a mail from my friend Laura where I said: "Amiga hope that is at peace with his soul and heart. Impossible not to remember your dad this day, as if the body is lying and that 35 years is one day, are hours. Where were we, what we were doing, how we knew that the currency was attacked. What happened to that strength, that we were changing, how we came to be with conformism conformist. As we become today, so I'm not very proud, we hug. "

Then I talk to my brother Bernardo and tells me that already served. Early left with a small group to leave a wreath on the street in Moscow Salvador Allende. He commented that unlike previous years I will not go to the tribute organized by the Party, but I'll go alone to pay my respects to President Salvador Allende. I still remember the pain that I caused the event last year.

Since I'm in the middle, I decided to go see Laura Brown and give back to the hug I received by mail early. We give a big hug and we talked for a latte.

As we talk on the complicity of the day, suddenly you account the deep pain that afflicts me: For a couple of months have been working on the street London (where my office), replacing the cobblestones. Everything is almost finished. I leave to go and stop at London 38 and I find plaques on the floor the name and age of the youth killed in the torture center. I feel helpless so great when I realize what I'm standing and I wonder who came up with brilliant idea was it not possible to make a memorial on the wall? Or our desire to imitate others he be obsessed our consciousness?

In the midst of my relief, I tell Laura that being in Tunisia, I was always careful to go through the front sidewalk when he saw a coffee with Arab men enjoying their pipes as a sign of respect ...

Back my office happened to the Party, entered the memorial is in the home and share with my dear friends. Suddenly my eyes stop on a name Bernardo Maldonado. I remember green eyes and the last time I saw him ... I was walking down a street in Temuco with poncho that my father had given me for my birthday ... went to college ... never came home ... was killed on September 26, 1973.

Can we show our respect without trampling on the memory of the fallen?

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

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anniversary in September's Democratic Movement, city government and other herbs or one of the legacies of Pope to Chilean democracy

were fulfilled 25 years of the founding of the Popular Democratic Movement, PDM, which brought together national policy concerning the computer, the MIR, the PS Almeyda, at PS 24 MOC Congress and sectors and Mapu. The MDP emerged with democratic organizations as an alternative independent new and different, with a significant ability to drive. The rebellion of September would be increased.

A group of young people invited to meet again, to relive those moments, on 29 August. The call among other things saying: "Joyful , rebels and all the dreams in tow, we, the youth of that time, we were able to organize to confront one of the bloodiest dictatorships in the continent.
In this effort we deliver the best. Put off personal projects, academics and labor. And overcome sectarian differences, and we are united in the effort to build a just, free, democratic and egalitarian.
True, today's Chile is not the dream of building, but the restoration of democracy would not have been possible without our effort. "

Until yesterday, I confirmed my participation. Inevitably slipped 25 years and appeared in my eyes: the tata Maroto, bones plated meat. with their eternal suitcase to make contact with the ground; the tense meetings of the Executive Secretariat, the organization of the First National Assembly of the MDP, the emotion of our hearts swollen when we sing the National Anthem.

Yes, that was until noon of the event. Old world, my office located Paris to London, across the Atlantic and arrived at the Alameda New World through New York streets. Going to lunch at my favorite place in the Central Brown Restaurant in Almirante Gotuzzo-see my friend Laura Naranjo, Vicky Gutierrez and would celebrate the birthday of a dear friend and great representative of Christian humanism, Martita Canto.

was happy at the prospect of that meeting, as always, we would exchange views on these things typical of women: public participation, the correction of the model, the desire of many to live as the world's first paying taxes Haitians and of course , the city government.

Which Little Red Riding Hood went to visit Grandma (I just need to sing along with the tune that I am, God save you!) When suddenly the really brutal, I golpeó.La Constitution Square was closed for papal hurdles pedestrians, but curiously, vehicles could travel on Mint Street, as always, from east to west. I asked a policeman sir, "If I get a car I can go?". He looked at me and said categorically: "Yes, ma'am." That last word made the procolalia does not come from my lips. Luckily, my trip was not referred to the Civic Plaza, which is always closed. I get to meet with my friends and instead of "Happy Birthday" all you can say is: thank goodness that is a citizen government.

As you go through the lunch we are passing from one topic to another: the interesting meeting we had with Jose Miguel Insulza, potential presidential candidates and what will happen to the city. Brown invade our laughter, irony come and go over the foliage aristocratic and how they came to the bicentennial. Suddenly, I remember the proliferation of metal separators people in the city center and half-jokingly concluded that the Pope's visit the year 87 made a contribution "fundamental" for the future democracy and expression Citizen: papal fences.

return to my office decided to attend the celebration of 25 years of the MDP. Not exactly what we dream to build, but we have a democratic state, where as someone says "the institutions work." So work has been said, we are an NGO and, curiously, this year won a tender in Chile Shopping System. Our executive secretary, the engineer Nury Vazquez, communicating by telephone with technical counterparts. As I hear the conversation, or in their wildest dreams Kafka could have designed a dialog such levels of absurdity.

comes to my memory perhaps more important feature of officials of the dictatorship: contempt. And now, democracy, the insensitivity of bureaucrats makes the risk of becoming a motivation for the smear of the system.

Finally ... it seems it was not my day. Office decided to leave home and think about how to call attention to issues as basic as the Civic Plaza is what its name says, to see young people sitting there, reading, bloomers or just ... dreaming.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

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of gifts, networks, technologies and other herbs or just do not stay in the past, baby ...

Among the many things that struck me when we came to Moscow in March 1974 There was one whose significance to this day does not stop to amaze me and that marked the lives of our ancestors and current generations. Apparently we can not yet gauge the social changes it brings. I mean something as simple as the abacus.

In all businesses, shops, markets and restaurants when it came time to pay, agile hands moved from right to left, before my eyes, pure magic unravel the secrets of the calculation.

was there I met the abacus, the oldest instrument for counting, whose origin is attributed to the Babylonians and Chinese (1,300 ac). This mechanical device, used by all so familiar in the middle of the century XX, in turn revolutionized the technique of counting and allowed man to perform mathematical operations on several numbers. If the abacus had a program, certainly we would call a computer. World less known, is the Nepohualtzitzin, an invention of the Mexica made of wood, wires and grains of corn: the "computer Aztec

I must admit that I never learned to use the abacus. Apparently as punishment, I had to deal with in the university with the FORTRAN IV program which only remember judgments was classified in two groups and undrawn. And, of course, that without the command "ifort" every effort "intellectuals" they went to the garbage bin. There was no interface.

All these memories come to my mind these days, when my father would have turned 77. On his birthday he received the visits of his friends. Celebrations and tokens of affection were accompanied, as God intended, the traditional "family gift." A major issue that could be easily resolved with a little imagination in a world where the supply is so large and for all tastes ... playing with imagination, we are seeing: a good book is always frowned upon as a gift (eg "Portales. A historical falsification" by Sergio Villalobos) if I had not read, difficult thing. Another option, a good selection of tangos, your favorite music. Not a bad idea: the latest version of Gardel mastered to accompany his collection of vinyl, cassettes and CDs.

man of simple tastes, but visionary and very modern, the final choice would have fallen in a supplement to your PC. Believe it or not, its proximity to the PC was great. With the two: the personal computer and the Communist Party.
When my father to return to Chile, one of the first things he did the year 89 was to buy a computer. I do not remember the brand or model, but it was one with two 5 ¼ diqueteras and printer continuous paper. With patience and dedication was seduced by new technology, taught himself to work with the operating system and program WordStar. As technology advanced and resources permitting, his team was improving. It was a great moment when he put the hard disk, and what to say when they were in the past WordStar commands and broke the wonderful Word Perfect!

With my brother Bernard, has become a commonplace to say: how to enjoy the old Internet. We close our eyes and we see him shine for his charm and fascination of technology and communications. I have no doubt that it would all day browsing, updating his blog daily, chatting with half the world (literally) and, of course, that would Facebook.

The emergence of the technological revolution in society, and very particularly the information technology and communications had not surprised and would certainly be discussed in the Socialist Party the need to use these tools to ensure public participation in public policy.

I imagine so many ways to enrich our lives ... and suddenly landed suddenly in our reality and I see on television the current Secretary General of Government, which uses no agenda or computer and defined as a technological illiterate.

In the antipodes, the Russian president threatened to sack staff who do not know how to use the computer ....

Sunday, August 17, 2008

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of distance, near, empires and other herbs or just as nature is always stronger.

a couple of years ago with my son Christopher went to Spain in view and considering we were "so close" Bernardo sent us the tickets and head to Moscow . Many springs and winters had passed. The last time he stepped on the land was the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the USSR.

was in Russia, a new country strange, unknown where the only thing familiar was his language.

needed in one or another way to reconnect with the past and I told my brother who wanted to go to ВДНХ (VDNJ), the permanent exhibition of scientific and technical aspects of Soviet Socialist Republics. At the entrance still had the huge statue which symbolizes the union of workers and peasants, a man and a woman with her hands raised together by a sickle and hammer. Ostentatious buildings representing each of the republics that housed their progress in various fields of science and culture. These facilities are now converted into concentrated markets where stores selling all that the imagination can not imagine.

Built in the Stalin era, the exhibition features a beautiful fountain where the golden statues show off the costumes of the peoples of the USSR, one of the vestiges of the Soviet Empire.

Añoranzas as part of a major crisis that has put Russia and the West on the verge of a new Cold War.

On Friday 8 August, when thousands of millions of people enjoyed the opening of the Olympics in Beijing, war erupted in the breakaway Georgian region of South Ossetia. My aim is not entering into the conflict between Georgians and Ossetians and Russia's interests in the area, and the consequences events that occur in our country when the talks revolve around the Olympics, the latest celebrity scandals and Creole cuisine for Transantiago.

Have we lost the ability to surprise or that, despite all the advances in technology and globalization, Chile is far from everything? Will we be the last to hear about the end of the world when it comes to occur? I wonder.

talk with my brother Bernardo exchanged views on the distance, distant Chile are all this, what was the ideological bipolarity up to U.S. supremacy in a world where Russia now wants to position, have a growing impact. But my question is positioned as what? Russia creed professed as capitalism and the United States shares with imperial vocation.

Finally, I can not complete these lines without remembering our beloved John Bustos, the public outcry for his departure to the best excuse for not making us aware of what happens so far but that nevertheless affects us so directly.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Cheaters Korean Movie Part1

of lions, births in half the world, family traditions and other herbs.

Maybe happens in all families, but in ours it is very obvious that the vast majority of births occurred in August. In different latitudes, but in August, after all.

Up I know, the "tradition" was opened by my father to come into this world by 23 August in San Bernardo, a city that once confined to the north to Santiago. Furthermore, it took the prize giving birth to a lion family tradition. It was the first lion, that is, my father is Jaime Leon, my brother, Bernardo Leon, and son, Christopher Leon. In the case of James and Christopher agree that August is so one might think that is a tradition of astrology. My daughter Maria was born in Buenos Aires in August and is a lioness.

problems or difficulties to find the origin of the tradition come with my brother Bernard, who as a Lion is not August. Ernesto my nephew was born in Moscow, guess when, actually in August, but not Leon: being Russian was honored patronymic. He is Bernárdovich.

The truth, as always, is simpler, there is no mystery and the zodiac is far from being the cause. The reason could not be other than history and politics. It seems the story, but it is pure and holy ...

In Osorno, my hometown, April 18, 1837 Eleuterio Ramírez was born. As deputy adjutant, defended the constitutionality in the riots of 1859. When in 1872 rose to the rank of lieutenant colonel was appointed commander of the Second Line. After the outbreak of the War Pacific and the capture of Calama, the commander Eleuterio Ramirez was appointed Governor of the city. Do not tell the whole story, but the command of Colonel Luis Arteaga, began a military operation would end in the Battle of Tarapacá.

wounded in one hand and then in the chest, Eleuterio Ramírez fought to death with such bravery that went down in history as "The Lion of Tarapacá".

to his death, Arturo Alessandri Palma, who lived near Linares, met eleven years and never imagined that would be Senator Tarapacá in 1915. According to some historians, was the catalyst for the awakening of the class middle and northern residents named it as "The Lion of Tarapaca"

of extraordinary personality, Arturo Alessandri Palma, was President between 1920 and 1925 and again between 1932 and 1938.

As children we used to ask why the Lion. The answer, if I remember correctly, was that due to the great admiration of my grandfather Arturo Alessandri Palma. It is very likely that it was.

However, at this point I would to say that finally the presence of lions in our family is Eleuterio Ramírez.'s admiration for an infant to another, the respect of constitutional military 1930 to a 1859.

Another point to consider is that our childhood was spent in a house in the street Eleuterio Ramirez, Osorno, until the government representatives Jorge Alessandri he made life unbearable for my father after his unsuccessful bid for deputy the province. Had to move to Santiago, and with it, all notrosos.

Bernardo, not only is Leon, but also a permanent infant. I do not know if they will be reminiscent of his days as a cadet at the Military Academy, but rain, shine, snow every day he walks from home to office and vice versa. In total, eight miles, and when I say rain, or snow triuene "I'm not using a figure: Bernardo lives in Moscow.

So, I think the story of Eleuterio Ramírez solve the mystery of the second name of men in our family.

now missing birth in August, but I think that revealing this mystery would be a great indiscretion on my part, so for now I leave to the imagination of readers.
My congratulations to all those born in August, especially to my dear friend Molly Orellana, Martita Canto, Osvaldo Acosta and of course Jaime Solari.

Congratulations to all the Amazons in different latitudes were mothers of lions.