Saturday, November 29, 2008

Replace Front Lens Element

Mountain Standards of insecurity in the mountaineer

Greetings Hello.

I could not resist.
always great: 11/normas-de-seguridad-en-montaa.html

are only five rules (safety in the mountains), easy to remember
1) always take reasonable behavior.
2) Respect the mountain.
3) Be attentive.
4) Prepare the computer.
5) Do not leave anything to chance.

perfectly consistent with the previous thread or the last debate I'm having on the forum of the Association.

AMAZING! but true ... just the opposite is how it works in many cases (not all) of our Association (activities of a day)

worst thing is that there will amend anything. Are "in the cloud" that everything is perfect and this is not so ... See examples ... Standards


5) is left almost everything to chance. Planning is not enough "on the ground" and relied on luck as a mode of operation. There are "guides" who can not use maps, and know nothing beyond itself and the only way they know. Most participants do not have the basics of moving in the bush.

No info is given a large advance. Participants do not have enough evidence to decide LIABILITY "before" sign on if the business enters its capabilities ....

In winter rain (or snow). The rivers are usually grown. On the roads can be (much) mud .... In spring and summer, the vegetation tends to grow ... Ignores or despises the behavior of the phenomena of Nature ....

bufff ...

not usually happen because there is nothing serious luck and only do basic activities for fans who like to go for uniform floor with the convenience of going "with his hands in his pockets" and mounted a monumental stir when attempting do something with a little bit more difficulty.

God all is permitted to pay the fee without requiring any physical or technical requirement. "Who are you to ban obese people go or no boots?" . With questions of this type and some expletives ....
A person who is unable to walk at a normal pace of 3 km / hour, in plain or with a drop below 200 mts , to forgive if I offend you (because they feel offended if you tell), but is unable to go to a hiking trail ....
Who can not walk more than 15 km (almost flat, or with no slopes greater than 600 meters in a day ... ...) is also able to go to a hiking trail of an association "mountain ".... Go for "walks" through the countryside, but no more !!!....

4) "Equipment"?

haha \u200b\u200b... If it agrees to go with sneakers!. It is a utopia to get all wear boots, and enough water to carry raincoat. You have to be very unconscious carry only 1 / 2 L in a day of sun (and more irresponsible than consent). Micromochilas
's see ... "5 L?? ... And "fanny"?? The ultimate !!.... To throw your hands to the head ....

3) Be aware ...

If they are going or the "guides" to pass some crossings and where to go is not. It must be very difficult to wait at intersections ... You have to know how to walk according to the type of terrain or "upset" to learn (or ask). The guide is not going to take the hand, telling us where to put the foot (in the mud .... resbalaaaa because, incredible but true, there are people who "bother" if there is mud on the roads in winter ... .)

2) Respect the Mountain

not start anything. If we like the "seedlings" there nurseries. Respect the fruit that can be owned. You can only pick up the fallen futos on public roads (or according to local customs, eg the "gleaning"). Do not be animal species. Respect Standards de los espacios naturales...sé que resulta dificil y me da "verguenza ajena" pasar como las hordas de Atila.

1) Comportamiento RAZONABLE.

¡Qué dificil es definir qué es razonable! ... Podriamos llamarlo tener SENTIDIÑO: Ser consecuentes con nuestras capacidades y, como reclamo siempre: no hacer actividades por encima de nuestro nivel físico ó técnico.

No OBLIGAR a ir a los demás a un ritmo inadecuadamente lento por sistema; ni ir a todo correr y "que me siga el que pueda". En todas las actividades deportivas hay niveles y lo razonable es que haya actividades de distintos niveles en función de las diversas capacidades.... para progresar entre el nivel 0 y el 10.

-day activities have to be ALWAYS initiation. "Blas said to him, and round about." Why??

If I DO NOT LIKE DRIVING cars ... I prefer to wear! by bus ... but require that all travel by bus ("egg") as the only option .... because "some" people seem to give you "panic" move by car .... is not unreasonable. Reasonable is

KNOW that the movement of people on the mountain can not be governed by the same parameters as in a safe environment such as a city. Aid (accident) is not available immediately and may take hours ...

Individualism can be defensible in work environment "hostile", but on the mountain I consider fundamental fellowship. But the group spirit can not improvise in difficult situations if you previously had "killed." Greetings


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