Friday, November 28, 2008

How To Get Rid Of Scat Fetish



Anyone can go to the mountain or the mountain.

What differentiates us (or should we differentiate) to people who do so from an Association "Mountain" is the highest degree of commitment, both with ourselves and with others.

A person can go with the mentality of "Tourist" and while it is legitimate, do not consider it appropriate in a "Partnership Mountain ".

Tourist Mentality: thinking out we get everything done, that's what we charge, and also give us" a la carte. "That's normal, unfortunately, many associations Hiking offered to the general public. That would not be bad if not coartese the possibility of other activities. INITIATION activities are OK, but stay permanently in the initiation do not consider it positive.

People just looking for a while Leisure the weekend with their selfishness, they pervert the reason for the associations created for mountaineering.

If someone hurts are those who only seek leisure.

What is the height of absurdity is seeking to "cast" to partners who claim that the Association decides to implement their ethical sense and commitment.

COMMITMENT must be first with ourselves.

Know our capabilities and be enrolled in the activities being aware of what we do. Do not do things that exceed our physical or technical level.


be aware that although our colleagues can help us (another thing they do ... in the hiker-tourist routes and know that You can trust it) is not your normal activity UNDERMINE Ethics for our selfishness.

Unfortunately, it is common that each go to his own ....

in activities such as " you can follow me ... ", for their own common sense and not about to me. I know there are people who do not bear the activity, they will wait for the weak (or adapted accommodation, restaurant, etc), but most of what they will ....
tourism activities in walkers (which are the only ONE day to do and do not do in my association) almost everyone is going to "the ball", and sometimes just the opposite occurs, there is always a / to tocanarices that " because I have to wait another " (because they want to take a photo, or pick mushrooms, or "steal" fruit). This kind of skills they break the normal harmony of which I like to enjoy when I go to the mountain as a group.

is sad to see you lose the degree of fellowship aid in Fords, crosses, etc by downloading all the "work" on the organizers. Even they "bother" when federal support other participants ....

View as no ongoing commitment to the environment, tearing branches and plants unnecessarily, or leaving trash everywhere, or not respecting the rules of natural parks (camping, eg)

This commitment should not be necessary to claim that it arises from "motu proprio" on people who freely choose to join sports clubs Mountain but this is not so.

If it is difficult to have participants engaged in it all work as a team, should be regulated in some way that does not creep "undesirables" that only throw for themselves and not for the group, both the "present" as the FUTURE.

People who live alone do not have this spirit entity. Are not committed, girls and seriously damage the future attitude.

Those who watch their selfishness is only natural that it bothers them that reproach and claim a future commitment.

ALL Trying to make the activity dataO they want, safely, according to their level, and not just a few "chosen" is also a future commitment. Greetings


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