Hello. Interesting
Guide published by the Ministry of Interior of the Principality of Asturias, together with the 112 and the FEMPA, conducted by a commander of the Mountain GC.
I will comment on certain aspects that are not only respect but even despises who claims that these "minimum" are met in the activities of their association.
first performs certain definitions and principles:
(in BLUE indicating that publication)
"The mountain is a person who seeks freedom in the mountains, life in the nature, with all its privileges and rewards, responsibilities and requirements "
" climbing in the best case, an activity full of joy ... and the worst cause frustration, disappointment and even disaster who ignore the severe impersonal rules of Nature "
" To prevent the risks must first know them, know their origins and causes ... "
people and not ignore, but which denies the existence of those who sell the bike everything is easy .... that anyone is able to hike regardless of who is obese, or have blood pressure problems or any medical problems and could prevent the sport in safe environments (such as gyms or similar), is incurring unnecessary risks by not and the head of the excursion, but to all the "expeditionary" to be support modifications and delays of the activity affecting the normal development of it.
Prepare for the activity: It seems
platitude, but acts as if it were necessary absolutely NOTHING ....
- do some exercise during the week and before each activity to a minimum heating (or begin to walk slowly to warm up gradually and then we can increase the pace ... but no longer than STOP walking ... it's rise to Pindo was grotesque ... running every 20 minutes they stopped another 20 or 30 minutes, at 5.3 km (627 m of altitude) were 6 stops ... so it took 3 and a half hours ... desperate! for anyone who wants to go to a normal pace).
- is a need for good hydration
still far too common that the participants did not take more than 1 (or 2) bottles of ½ L, and no impact on the need to carry enough water.
There is a very important aspect, which ninguneo in a very strange
before undertaking the activity (reminds us of the Guide) tell us:
- property the route or activity, the physical and technical support to cope.
- From the duration of the
- From the weather forecast and give warning
(where we stayed, for example) of the activity to be undertaken, planned route, time of departure and return, to facilitate the activation of emergency services in case of loss or
How can anyone still be able to "defend" (right in the XXI s) that need not be give any prior information to the participants? ... What to give it (the bus) and the road is enough ... that each judge ...
"Based on what is arguable that can allow" anyone "to pay, without requiring a" minimum " fitness?
The "warn" in the housing .... science fiction ...
in the backpack.
shoes in good condition to protect the ankles ..... Cap ....
continues to tolerate the participants with old and tattered beach, without hat or scarf in bright sunlight.
The recommended material is science fiction at the outputs of hiking. 50 people I can count on the fingers of one hand (and me too many fingers), which are thermal blanket.
kit ... hehe .. here for me .... too many fingers although total!, so that I consider the Demon if you dare to offer a simple strip ....
Compass, map, front ... what ... follow me on fingers ....
Consider all the basic equipment of this Guide as "unnecessary" (of course is nearly coincident with whom I, excluding slings)
Start Exercising
hook Never let anyone in our group ... . the pace will mark the weakest ... retire early is a victory, not a failure ... not the activity with dense fog ... discusses common mistakes that alone .... The marathon, or the summit at all costs do not seem activities for sports groups, but solitary, and therefore can not accompany some "elites" who believe that everyone should carry the same weight (its part of the store, etc.) at the crossings, regardless of the athlete despite 90 kgs or 55 kgs ... "and that if you can not your party had not come" (do not know if I was surprised or scared when they told me such villainy ...).
Some contingencies
If an accident occurs, if possible, leaving only the victim and to separate themselves from danger. PUT IN A SAFE PLACE
Da certain recommendations of First Aid but NO time indicates that you can not do ANYTHING. The "Pontius Pilate" is the usual .... more to surprise the reader ...
"The mountain is a person who seeks freedom in the mountains, life in the nature, with all its privileges and rewards, responsibilities and requirements "
" climbing in the best case, an activity full of joy ... and the worst cause frustration, disappointment and even disaster who ignore the severe impersonal rules of Nature "
" To prevent the risks must first know them, know their origins and causes ... "
people and not ignore, but which denies the existence of those who sell the bike everything is easy .... that anyone is able to hike regardless of who is obese, or have blood pressure problems or any medical problems and could prevent the sport in safe environments (such as gyms or similar), is incurring unnecessary risks by not and the head of the excursion, but to all the "expeditionary" to be support modifications and delays of the activity affecting the normal development of it.
Prepare for the activity: It seems
platitude, but acts as if it were necessary absolutely NOTHING ....
- do some exercise during the week and before each activity to a minimum heating (or begin to walk slowly to warm up gradually and then we can increase the pace ... but no longer than STOP walking ... it's rise to Pindo was grotesque ... running every 20 minutes they stopped another 20 or 30 minutes, at 5.3 km (627 m of altitude) were 6 stops ... so it took 3 and a half hours ... desperate! for anyone who wants to go to a normal pace).
- is a need for good hydration
still far too common that the participants did not take more than 1 (or 2) bottles of ½ L, and no impact on the need to carry enough water.
There is a very important aspect, which ninguneo in a very strange
before undertaking the activity (reminds us of the Guide) tell us:
- property the route or activity, the physical and technical support to cope.
- From the duration of the
- From the weather forecast and give warning
(where we stayed, for example) of the activity to be undertaken, planned route, time of departure and return, to facilitate the activation of emergency services in case of loss or
How can anyone still be able to "defend" (right in the XXI s) that need not be give any prior information to the participants? ... What to give it (the bus) and the road is enough ... that each judge ...
"Based on what is arguable that can allow" anyone "to pay, without requiring a" minimum " fitness?
The "warn" in the housing .... science fiction ...
in the backpack.
shoes in good condition to protect the ankles ..... Cap ....
continues to tolerate the participants with old and tattered beach, without hat or scarf in bright sunlight.
The recommended material is science fiction at the outputs of hiking. 50 people I can count on the fingers of one hand (and me too many fingers), which are thermal blanket.
kit ... hehe .. here for me .... too many fingers although total!, so that I consider the Demon if you dare to offer a simple strip ....
Compass, map, front ... what ... follow me on fingers ....
Consider all the basic equipment of this Guide as "unnecessary" (of course is nearly coincident with whom I, excluding slings)
Start Exercising
hook Never let anyone in our group ... . the pace will mark the weakest ... retire early is a victory, not a failure ... not the activity with dense fog ... discusses common mistakes that alone .... The marathon, or the summit at all costs do not seem activities for sports groups, but solitary, and therefore can not accompany some "elites" who believe that everyone should carry the same weight (its part of the store, etc.) at the crossings, regardless of the athlete despite 90 kgs or 55 kgs ... "and that if you can not your party had not come" (do not know if I was surprised or scared when they told me such villainy ...).
Some contingencies
If an accident occurs, if possible, leaving only the victim and to separate themselves from danger. PUT IN A SAFE PLACE
Da certain recommendations of First Aid but NO time indicates that you can not do ANYTHING. The "Pontius Pilate" is the usual .... more to surprise the reader ...
I encoragino when certain "health professionals" will refrain from an interest in a business partner, because it is their responsibility .... As the psychological contribution can be crucial to the life of a rugged, motivation is as important as cure .
The placebo effect of doing something but will relieve medically little can make a difference ....
SUMMARY And it's a gem:
hiking requires a proper physical preparation, climbing above that requirement should not be starting the adventure and risks must be well evaluated.
ALWAYS ensure strict compliance with safety standards.
And yet there are officials who argue that does not require any physical fitness and support to people who do not. That do not assess any risk, neither good nor bad, and mock those who ask that all those who run activities for an equal, meet minimum standards of training and information.
The placebo effect of doing something but will relieve medically little can make a difference ....
SUMMARY And it's a gem:
hiking requires a proper physical preparation, climbing above that requirement should not be starting the adventure and risks must be well evaluated.
ALWAYS ensure strict compliance with safety standards.
And yet there are officials who argue that does not require any physical fitness and support to people who do not. That do not assess any risk, neither good nor bad, and mock those who ask that all those who run activities for an equal, meet minimum standards of training and information.
Of course the public exhibition in this forum will bother those who still defend bad behavior ... any day passes require a disgrace and legal responsibilities, and will not be for ads .... I think that must change habits, for solutions before it is too late.
Although there who does not see the need to change anything .... Greetings
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