Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Enzymatic Toothpaste For Humans

The court

This experiment was to see how to put up with the colors of the cake the oven, so I made a white cake base (with clear and cream instead of whole eggs and butter) and separate the dough into as many parts as he wanted for the interior color of the cake (in this case three: yellow, pink and blue), put the three parts colored in mold and fumbled with a fork, a little, let's not mix colors more then stays dirty, and perfect, I love the cut is very nice, I read on the Internet called "tie dye" that is the dye hippie clothes.
And as promised, here are the pics cut this cake, when I wanted to see if the colors of the cake the oven heat muffled, but the view is not, which remain unchanged, there you can see it: And come and see if you urge and comment me something or ask me recipes, or ask me, I'll be happy to answer. Many kisses


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