have to listen to the voice of the people. Emergency
The Marco Enríquez Ominami candidacy has been a vital contribution to initiate political change that had already been verified in society, its culture and aspirations, but still no correlation in the political system, their parties and the economic model . The ME-O campaign put issues of great interest in public debate than any other leader or party was regarded with such persistence and priority. 20% of voters who responded to that invitation, is a demonstration of high-backed proposals ..
Faced with the runoff election, the Socialists have no doubt or hesitation: right shall not bear our votes, and with our complicity, or by our silence. We will honor the historic tradition of leftist socialism and defending the interests of manual and intellectual workers, our personal careers and experience in the country over the past 50 years. The Socialists and other leftist parties, beyond legitimate differences, we put all our effort in the fight against military and civilian dictatorship in defense of human rights and respect for workers.
Make no mistake:
If the right wins 20% privatized Codelco, there will be no tax reform and labor reform, will be consolidated profit in education Inspections will not work in the service of increasing workers especially temporary and seasonal abuses, will not advance in environmental controls to the multinational will remain the outrageous inequalities between public education and private education, there will be no state and AFP continue to gouge their current members, there will be constitutional reform and less new Constitution.
This is what accounts for Piñera. Piñera is not change.
Moreover we regret that the coalition, yet, has not been able to hear the voice of the people in all its magnitude. 20% obtained by Marco, in our view, is the expression of criticism of the political system, their parties and leaders, is the disgust with corruption and political operatives in the state, is the message of protest to the deep social inequality in which we live. The Coalition's defeat in the first round is the expression of the rejection of the political class, particularly its domes enthroned in state management.
For this reason becomes very important that the top leaders of the parties to abandon their posts as a sign of self and respect for the city clamor. Especially those who opposed with hostility to democratic and open primaries to choose presidential candidate. This would signal a major for the credibility of the proposal which is under construction.
We believe that the victory of progressive forces on January 17 will only be possible if the coalition building with other progressive forces, a large block that redefines the political framework based on an electoral pact program supported by 7 points and will converge guarantees for the country to fulfill the commitments ..
The 7 points to convince the electorate is, in our view:
1. Prioritize quality public education, ending with the decentralization of education, generating stable resources to schools and raising twice the grant thereof.
2. Strengthen public health, breaking with the outsourcing of services that enrich Isapres and do not improve the services they receive the less privileged.
3. Strengthen public investment in mining by introducing a royalty for the extraction of nonrenewable natural resources.
4. Expand individual freedoms and the strengthening of social and labor rights, emphasizing the secular character of the state. This includes the direct election of Mayors and Regional Councillors, party primaries to all public office and changes in staffing arrangements at public functions to ensure effective competition, among others.
5. Realize the tax reform as proposed by the economic program Setting the campaign.
6. Amend the Electoral Act to make the Electoral Registration is automatic and voting is voluntary.
7. Demilitarization of Araucania and clear statement on the moratorium on nuclear and hydroelectric projects in the Patagonia.
If these seven points we are ready to actively integrate the campaign.
On this basis, the "Socialists for Marco" in our recent national meeting we decided to support the Presidential candidacy of Eduardo Frei Ruiz-Tagle at the Jan. 17 election and calling those who are considering voting no, to understand that they favor the triumph of right and thus blocks the possibility of progress on reforms, we work in Marco Enríquez Ominami campaign.
Coordinator "Socialists for Marco"
December, 2009.
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