Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Can You Get On A Plane With Pink Eye

In September, just Tati

The last time I found many photos of the Tati and inevitably have come to mind moments of meeting. Therefore I would like to share with you a text that my father wrote Bastidas Jaime Suárez and is contained in his book "Allende, a militant vision."

Tati was a parking lot of tenderness in his eyes. A transparent smile lit up like a spark joyful expression usually severe. Analyst

cold, steeled in the party activities of university life Concepcion, had become particularly rigorous consistency-studying-dialectical materialism. Intellectual seemingly shy, had strength and determination. Character, self-critical and demanding, I knew it kindly, vigorous reasoning and obstinate in the purposes and affections.

A unique relationship to Tati empathy with his father. The teenager who admired the man and joker warm intimacy, this father without doubt, the privileged among their daughters. Tati is assuming in the process of ideological ambivalence of deep affection and critical resolved. In one respect, without discussion, the politician who was the "Chicho" affected by the Cuban Revolution, he felt trapped by the suspicion that Salvador Allende would become a revolutionary full. Why? Because he questioned the political process that is expressed in a vain electioneering, sterile

Tati is a representative figure of the sixties. Expressing realism in the pursuit of the impossible. His modesty makes it appear always in a quiet activity, discreet, free from figuration, contrary to all exhibitionism. Efficiently delivers his immeasurable contribution to the revolutionary movements in Latin America.

January 22 proclaims the UP candidate Salvador Allende. Tati will leave that night on the bedside table, a letter full of love but of a definite critical tone. In it he based his great skepticism about the way Chilean socialism and no doubt the result of his father, he reiterated his belief that the construction of socialist society in Chile, will necessarily require the armed struggle. Tati's interpretation is closer to the Cuban revolutionaries were of the Chilean situation, the report by the UP was wrong, was not viable political project of building socialism through peaceful means. That conviction

Tati never abandons us. However, this did not affect absolute dedication to the work of government by the president. In different scenes

lived in different times, steal a few moments or features Tati.

I should travel to Cuba. Allende immediately proclaimed by the UP candidate, was invited to the island because they wanted to know, of himself, which meant his candidacy. As the initial work of the campaign was not allowed to do so he proposed to Aniceto it was me, with my name, he avoided partisan sensitivities because I was, at that moment, Secretary of the party and he could integrate with José Tohá the rest of the delegation. Tati

me "prepared" for the trip. It was my first political task as high-level international. She, with confidence and patience, taught me many aspects of Cuban political life. Moreover, in that mission, I learned to admire the human qualities of Toha, because on the tour, despite their greater experience and be a much more seasoned politician, he never failed to attribute a formal leadership and caring, particularly, that aspect was well received . There was no territory for pettiness in the soul of Toha.

Later, when only a short time we were in government, I should resort to Tati. While Allende was in the high seas, the Navy invited to witness a few years, there was an unfortunate incident between young communists and MIR in Concepcion. The episode of the conflict meant the death of Arnaldo Rios and generation a climate that boded little more than a potential battle between the two sectors, located in its premises.

In these circumstances, the only way to communicate with Miguel Enríquez to comply with the instructions of Allende as a tense radio interview we had, it from a cruise and I in the radio room of the Quinta Normal, "was to ask his cooperation Tati . That evening we met at the home of a friend of mine, Enríquez, Jorge Inzunza, Tati and me. It was a dramatic meeting. Tati so difficult session gave a sense of control, of force, which helped to arrive early and leave the light on a debate that prevented blood from reaching the River.

The last interview I had with Tati was in exile. We lived in Moscow when she went over there with an international business destination. Gently declined to stay at the hotel Soviet chose to go to our department. We listened to my wife hours, dwarfed by gripping testimony of what happened in Chile, Cuba, where she lived and in every corner where there were now struggling to Chilean democracy. Tati

narrated with extraordinary passion. News, events, endorsements, interviews with officials of governments, artists, scientists, finally, gave a vivid relationship of all that was happening in the world for Chile. Not escaped him names, acronyms, dates, his life was absolutely, obsessively devoted to Chile. And excuse the indulgence for frivolous or those who were losing their commitment to the Chilean people. The fact supportive and beautiful, the kind gesture of remembrance to "Chicho" occurred in Finland or in Venezuela, at any point, made her smile in a placid and hopeful attitude. However, the sadness dominated his face, it seemed that he never abandons the dissatisfaction of having to obey the order to withdraw Salvador de La Moneda.

unit maintained its position, he saw no other way of restoration of democracy in Chile that was not to strengthen the unity: The complaints and difficulties of their opposition to Pinochet's forces inflamed.

Tencha and Isabel were in Moscow when he heard the news. Tati had died in his beloved Cuba.


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