Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Examples Of Important Letters From The Queen

convention, nominations and other herbs or just Suárez Candidate

Better late than never. Difficult, but finally decided: José Miguel Insulza will finally not running for president for the simple reason that more and more people do not want to be made primary. The exercise of democracy is fine, but never in excess, especially if the candidate or candidates are competitive. Where, in addition, most likely the winner would not be the representative of the party that believes it is his turn by the principle of alternation (background music is heard: "I took it and took it, now touches the neighbor .... ")

The mere realization of the primary generated so many problems. On the one hand, it is common knowledge the pathetic statement of one of the democratic parties and to go to the primaries must have money and a few more thing, as internal cohesion, taken down to make no noise. Are also needed assurances that that candidate wins. That is, is a fairly complex equation to clear, although these years the political engineering has developed to such an extent that its priests may explain the unexplainable, to solve the most convoluted of the wrongs and all that for the sake of the coalition and the country needed. So

it is clear that there will be no primary, but agreed. Frei won by Secretariat. He wanted to stage Ricardo Lagos for him, but put both his decision effectively turned the dog in the manger. Neither he, what is the good part of the story, or Insulza.

However, the Socialist Party, true to their agreements to the Congress (I still hope the findings of 28, but that's a detail), held on 17 January a Presidential Convention to choose our candidate. No deadline until noon on day 15 for the registration of candidates.

As you know, the requirement to register is to have the backing of at least 50 signatures, so that a sign, a sign that the world will end, and Suarez will be launched. Of course all this have to leave in the hands of an attorney and that when the Convention will be on vacation. Therefore, in this public event with Suarez asked to sign for President, left a power to defend a man who will know until the end, I will not settle for any district, district, or ministry undersecretary. I mean the fellow Camilo Escalona.

power will leave him as a person, not as chairman of the party, because, you never know, after paying their own policy consideration could exploit the presence of both congressional office to make available to assembly. And, well, do not take canditato president, but the Socialists would have a new president.


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