Friday, January 23, 2009

Libby Libby Short Solutions Manual

plans, contingency, neglect and other herbs, or simply exchange capacity.

Since childhood, my daughter Marie always wanted two things: being a journalist and visiting Cuba. The first wish is already fulfilled soon. In fifth year and therefore lack the same for anything that is titled. With the second approaches have been of a different nature: cultural knowledge, long lectures about the revolution, Che and Fidel, even made his thesis on Cuba. Faced with such enthusiasm of the small, what can a mother? What would any mother if I had choices: to realize the desired trip.

In March last year decided to raise money, take advantage of promotions 2 x 1, 480 pesos to the dollar and European-style vacation planning our ten months in advance. On January 15, 2009 finally would travel to the island, would visit the museum revolution, the Moncada Barracks, the Museum of the Underground, the tomb of Che ... That day, at four in the morning, tired but happy, with my two children and our belongings we embark. At some point I remembered my old trip to Cuba, the long talks we had with Victor (father of children) on the future of our country, about what it would be Chile's democracy. It had been too many years.

In a second everything changed. The unthinkable happened yet meticulous and cautious as I am (obsessive, in the words of my friend Ely), who took up kit for the trip. There was something I never checked, nor even when I went to the consulate to get visas, the date of expiry of the passport. The day trip was the only passport to the day was my daughter Marisol. At six o'clock we were back at home. The only comment I heard was: it was not our time, there must be. Still, a couple of hours later we went to the registry office and there we found out we would get our new passports after only six days. In the meantime

had to do what we do with the tickets and so we are entangled in a long history, in which the possibilities of embarking on Cuba faded with the passing of the hours. Discouragement was rife and frustration, until finally at nine o'clock at night in a firm tone and energy said: "You guys, you lose your luggage, let's take what we do not need and we start tomorrow morning ... We're on vacation ..." The two I looked incredulous and began pressing. Where do we go?, Was the question. I replied that the North. But where? What? "Already, we are moving, less regret and load the car. First thing tomorrow we will go to the north where the road takes us, "I said.

opened the bottle of wine that we thought taking in Havana, we made a funny review of our tragicomic journey and when he returned to ask the question about the destination of travel. without hesitation said, Bahia Inglesa. I had no idea where he was, but once I heard someone was a very beautiful place
short, the lush Caribbean nature than we imagined children to the mysteries of the Atacama Desert. After more than 800 kilometers of road ended up in a paradise, with the same codes, the same faces, the same conversations I heard in the cafes of Santiago. Indeed, it was not what we planned, but we concluded that the most important thing was being together, meeting the target, which was to rest, spoiled, disconnect and recharge for this new year, family as we face many academic challenges.

All of this would have something to do with political events? I guess the conclusion will be clear that the goal for the next period, not to win elections to stay in power. I guess the only candidate in the consultation response to the conviction of the parties that compose required profound changes in the neoliberal economic model in the political system with a new constitution, a welfare state. I imagine it will not be more of the same ... and with them.

Seems I had too much sun and I'm imagining too ...

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

How To Unlock Three Digit Master Lock

In dreams, dolls, criteria for the coming times and other stuff or simply reflective pause.

"Last night I had a dream, I dreamed of a country ..." great leaders at some point in their lives that prayer used to account for their dreams, projects and policy proposals. As it is not my case, I will draw to a Creole, and that the dolls have no political color and anyone can have one, so no reason to not speak mine.

Well, I spoke to my wrist and told me things, so many things to future events, call Socialist Presidential Convention, I will make an effort to transmit orders and synthetically their concerns and advice. The doll I said, well
Did you read the instructions sent by the Secretary General of the party over who participates and how pre-register the candidates? It is essential that I apply to comply with all formalities will be no more than anyone thinks it is a joke.

What about those who were elected delegates to Congress today are not in the records? Can they endorse candidates? Some delegates to Panimávida who have supported my candidacy today are not on the rolls. I reread the instructions and see that emphasizes their status as delegates at the time of the event. What

occurs with the mayors and councilors who participated in the Congress and then were not reelected or were not candidates? I imagine it works the same criteria as for the above.

He advised: "You better ask." But doubts began to assail the board over the merits of the wrist. If you ask and send a formal letter, as my grandchildren will probably not receive the response. Lest you think I speak for speak or write by writing: I'm still waiting for the Supreme Court respond to a presentation I did in the year 2006 (on the untimely and inopportune said the Mercury of a national leader of the Party). If this seems very old data, provides an example update: last November I wrote to the President and Party General Secretary y. .. fine, thanks. There

wrist said, you have to ask the Citizen's Ombudsman Commission to extend to political parties in the rule governing public administration and establishes deadlines for responding to correspondence.

Well, back to the core, the last thing I said was, nobody will guarantee the election. He suggested a tour of Central America, the Caribbean seek international support and only the return address on the nomination.

Therefore, dear friends @ s, @ s that all who have supported my candidacy and who have volunteered heads of year, my deep gratitude.

For this trip I take text refers to the Oracle of Concertacion and study deeply the criteria that apply to the contingency: Criterion

PS: Up one, down one. Criterion
PPD: take one down three. Criterion
DC: everything to me, otherwise no deal. Criterion
Perez Yoma: clenching. Criterion
Lagos that the institutions work.

not disappoint, I will make a reflective pause in the difficult task of being a candidate and on my return to the country inform my decision.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Examples Of Important Letters From The Queen

convention, nominations and other herbs or just Suárez Candidate

Better late than never. Difficult, but finally decided: José Miguel Insulza will finally not running for president for the simple reason that more and more people do not want to be made primary. The exercise of democracy is fine, but never in excess, especially if the candidate or candidates are competitive. Where, in addition, most likely the winner would not be the representative of the party that believes it is his turn by the principle of alternation (background music is heard: "I took it and took it, now touches the neighbor .... ")

The mere realization of the primary generated so many problems. On the one hand, it is common knowledge the pathetic statement of one of the democratic parties and to go to the primaries must have money and a few more thing, as internal cohesion, taken down to make no noise. Are also needed assurances that that candidate wins. That is, is a fairly complex equation to clear, although these years the political engineering has developed to such an extent that its priests may explain the unexplainable, to solve the most convoluted of the wrongs and all that for the sake of the coalition and the country needed. So

it is clear that there will be no primary, but agreed. Frei won by Secretariat. He wanted to stage Ricardo Lagos for him, but put both his decision effectively turned the dog in the manger. Neither he, what is the good part of the story, or Insulza.

However, the Socialist Party, true to their agreements to the Congress (I still hope the findings of 28, but that's a detail), held on 17 January a Presidential Convention to choose our candidate. No deadline until noon on day 15 for the registration of candidates.

As you know, the requirement to register is to have the backing of at least 50 signatures, so that a sign, a sign that the world will end, and Suarez will be launched. Of course all this have to leave in the hands of an attorney and that when the Convention will be on vacation. Therefore, in this public event with Suarez asked to sign for President, left a power to defend a man who will know until the end, I will not settle for any district, district, or ministry undersecretary. I mean the fellow Camilo Escalona.

power will leave him as a person, not as chairman of the party, because, you never know, after paying their own policy consideration could exploit the presence of both congressional office to make available to assembly. And, well, do not take canditato president, but the Socialists would have a new president.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Bleeding Cuts In Mouth

De balances, rituals, New Years and other stuff or just Thank

hours passed on the last day of the year, December 31, 1969. Abel Gonzalez lived in 055 at the bus 21 and through the great avenue, La Cisterna, then the minutes passed, time seemed eternal, we looked at the clock, but above all the door, take 15 minutes to receive the new year and my old man did not come. With my mom and brother watched in silence and waited ... only my dad was at the meeting of the Popular Unity parties where they were expected to leave white smoke with the candidacy for President of Salvador Allende. Suddenly 10 minutes before the father arrived and we all breathed deeply, and within minutes we hugged, cried, had reached 1970. One year we change the lives of everyone.

From that day until many years later, when they reached 12 in the night I burned the eyes and alone, with no one to call the rain, came to my face ... surely Southern reminiscences and nostalgia.

With time and the vicissitudes of life have learned to be thankful for every year that goes away and happy to get a new one. We are a privileged generation with great successes and great failures and disappointments, we are survivors, witnessed the most intense moments you have lived our beloved country. Raised in the parties and growing with the Cuban Revolution. We have been able to reinvent ourselves, to overcome, laugh at everything and everyone, especially ourselves.

The last day of the 2008 in the office get together, enjoy a delicious cocktail that we had ordered at Brown, where my friend Laura who always takes care of every detail. We did a little balance, somehow bad for an NGO is difficult to keep these days, but ended up happy with our work and hoping this is better, that we can continue bringing in Citizen Participation, Energy Efficiency, Waste management solid and good in all those things that we do and that some think are nonsense ... finally they are fools I do not doubt.

At night our program was safe and guaranteed. Before leaving home, of course I wish you happy new year to Bernardo in Moscow, which at that time did little while he was living in 2009. We had great atmosphere, great music, to talk about food ... La Habana Vieja where Guillermo Keryma and care of every detail. With my children and my Aunt Gaby got ready to spend a great night. You looked radiant women our crowns. Best of all was when a lady approaches Auntie Gaby and tells him his majesty allow me hello, she looked like a queen.

The twelve, hugs, toast, New Year and 50 of the revolution. We raise our glasses and head to the streets in San Francisco Tarapacá to enjoy the fireworks. And of course the first call of the year ... as the song says "loves which become resistant to damage ... Amores expected the winter to bloom and the autumn evenings turn green again,"

And the first day of January, something happened unthinkable that ultimately made earlier today I sit to write these lines. In the living room of my house three Suárez, so it is: Suárez Gabriela Bastidas Suarez Alexandra Suarez Aguilar and good the Indart. The three different shapes to see and live life differently. But then I realized the old adage of the blood strip. The whole history of our family was concentrated in these three soft and delicate women, who along with the name of a fortress of iron attached to adversity.

Finally, I would not but talk about my other family: The Socialist Party. I made the same analogy, regardless of differences, rivalries, weaknesses and strengths, we have a common history, the blood of many runs in our veins and so good that we think differently, which has allowed us to grow and, indeed, have many challenges for in 2009: The last year of our President, of realization and completion of the program, the primaries with our beloved candidate José Miguel Insulza, and why not, Andrade as President of the Party .... Thanks

2008 ...