Grandma Agnes, Fanny, on the day of San Juan and other herbs. Open Letter
this to be a difficult task in an internal party candidate without resources, without machinery or equipment to support it. However, it is not impossible. Enough is the belief that it is possible that there are ideas and that it is necessary to break the inertia that is installed in the party structures.
take my car and said and done. Rejuvenate as I go south, I have increasingly less, I make a break in Chillán for coffee. No case is my north south, relive, rain takes its toll and I do not imagine the sadness of my children can not go with these ones places.
I wrote a friend, Oscar Valenzuela, Denmark, and I said that last Saturday he wanted to see the American South from the North Sea, but could not: it prevented Britain. I get to my dear Temuco, Osorno birth to my hometown, I visit Puerto Montt, and how not to visit the hometown of my mother, Los Angeles. I will not tell stories about meetings and supporters, those will go to the next.
Today I will stop in Los Angeles, where her grandmother Agnes. Irma Ines Rios I have six daughters and seventh (putatively, by the way), and settled where one of his daughters. Fanny Wolff. Among tissues, snacks and conversation, the grandmother says, prepare the stew of San Juan. The truth is I was the first time I heard this from the stew and my curiosity got the better and began to inquire details. She joined the talks Sonia Bello, who is Negrete and helps to Fanny, and between tissue and tissue were putting together this little story.
The stew of San Juan is a tradition from the times of the grandparents, the abundance of John in the fields of Bio Bio. Has been passed down from generation to generation, and was a way of honoring the homeowner held on 24 June.
Preparations were initiated with at least one week in advance, as required to hunt birds, fish, pork, beef, chicken, etc.. Prepare the pork sausage, smoked pork. In between, pending the conclusion chanfaina prepared, cheese head and leg, firm, the wound, greaves boobies cooked pork and gilded in his element.
The day before, marinate the meat left in the following way: the beef seasoned with salt, garlic and cumin, pork with garlic, oregano and salt: the bird and the birds, salt and pepper and finally rabbit and hare, garlic, salt and oregano.
The awakening was celebrated Gloria, yes, in glory prepared with brandy, orange and sugar to taste. After boiling is served warm.
Lunch consisted of two dishes, pot kettle first and then give way to the stew of yore: a concoction of various meats and some additions, whose main ingredients are: smoked pork ribs, pork chop or addition of pig flesh natural beef, which can be roast, usually people in the countryside, made with chicken, ordinary people do it with chicken in particular, trutro. Also, take rabbits, hares and birds: quail, doves, pigeons, thrushes, quails, Lloica, etc.
are tired of reading the ingredients, patience still missing cuerito sausage and smoked pork or natural, which has been previously cooked.
Under no circumstances should you put lamb or turkey will change the flavor to the stew.
aggregates are: onions should be of medium size, hopefully about the size of the hand in order to split it into four, bunches of celery leaves and parsley. Cilantro does not carry. The seasonings used are: garlic, salt, peppercorns, oregano, bay leaves (to taste palate), cumin, dry goat horn peppers pitted. A handful of dried cherries.
If you've read this far and are encouraged to prepare, then to get a good background and first place quartered onions, then meat according to their consistency, first, smoked pork, natural pork, then the previously boiled sausages and punctured to remove the fat, then rabbits hares and birds, beef, chicken (in the case to be made with chicken must place it after the pig). All meats should always be alternated with onion ring. It is important to understand that all meat must be exchanged according to the size to be served on each plate. Finally place the last onion ring cover and covered with julienned red bell pepper, a bunch of celery leaves and parsley, pepper piece of dry goat taste (unseeded), sprinkle with peppercorns and dried cherries and finally smoked pork cuerito (previously cooked).
bathes with good quality white wine so that covers a quarter of the pot and boil over high heat for about 10 minutes and then simmer at least 2 hours.
The dried cherries are critical because they absorb fat so delicious stew.
Served with baked potato, spooned pebre, Endal and, of course, a good red. Do not forget the buns (the original southern "no pumpkin) and tortilla smoldering field. Formerly, also accompanied with "catuto." To make the catuto parboiled wheat rye is used, cut in stone, rubbed with butter and made a few rolls of 10 cm or so and were placed on plates.
Best of all is the pleasure of the table with the dishes served and that when one starts to eat: food of gods.
Currently, there are still families like the Wolff who keep these traditions. And for those who have not had the pleasure of tasting the stew of San Juan, the good thing is that it is now possible in winter, without waiting for the day of San Juan. His sons and daughters, grandsons and granddaughters will thank you, and we kept part of our cultural heritage and for a day Leaving aside the junk food.
High in the campaign with a stew of San Juan would like anyone.