Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Best Price Babylock Serger

Cake 39 th Crossing Dam Barrie de la Maza

held this Saturday, as every year, the 39 th Crossing Dam Barrie de la Maza, organized by the Swimming Club Coruña and sponsored by the City Council of A Coruña, Coca-Cola Foundation and Barrie and I made the cake of the voyage.

weighed 3.2 kilos (or that he was a baby) and, as you see, the sea was quite choppy.

rocks can be seen here is on the other side of the dam, maybe I spent with moss, but they were very good, are bizcobolas (crumbled cake mixed with cream cheese).

As the dam is full of cats, one could not miss to watch the swimmers and as you see it is the song from Roberto Carlos: "the cat who is sad and blue you never forget that you were mine ... "

The cake is completely covered with fondant flavored with orange and white water and foam are royal icing, also swimmers, ducks and kitten are fondant and the lighthouse is gum paste (harder to that hold the vertical).

As in reality, there is also a swimmer and can only ask for help. But as the zodiac is small enough to put on it to civil protection, as this is remote control, wing, so to cool it.

This swimmer is already turning to the buoy (mandatory), come!, Cheer up!, that it is only halfway.

Yes, I know that there are no ducks in the dam, but these were very funny and there they go.

And here you see the cutting of the cake (which was cut little pain). The water is part of the lemon cake with lemon cream filling and the dam is a chocolate brownie filled with cream, strawberry uuummm, delicious.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Watch Black Bible Stream

important thing is not the inn ...

"The important thing is not the inn, but the way" (Miguel de Cervantes)

See that long ago ... and some are bent on hiking that you have to "decorate" with luxuries, services (spas, etc), paparotas .... forgetting a nice way (land, grassland, scrubland ...) and replace filthy tracks ("ugly"), easy walk, but harsh and unsightly.

In another vein, I remembered the life mortgaged obsession: the number of people who ruined his life and happiness by sacrificing their lives in a "sinvivir" to get a house. Lives only to pay the "zulito" almost always above its real possibilities. And all for what?. Not going to take us to the beyond ...

important thing is to enjoy what you have. Greetings

Monday, July 12, 2010

Calories Orville Natural Popcorn

Cookies dresses, butterflies and candy tart mojito

These cookies decorated with fondant took them by surprise my sister and a friend who celebrated their birthdays together at the office, it was they who commissioned me too and mojito pie pie you will see later. The cookies were very successful so beautiful and striking left and they were very good. (This time I can say this because I was also invited). They are made of pre-baked pastry and beat them before the fondant (with corn syrup), the satin finish is a bath of rum and edible glitter.

What Is A Jacobite Shirt

This is the birthday dessert on Friday, which I was commissioned as a savory dish pie which will see below. This cake is mojito and under the lime jelly put the lyrics: "happy to comply" and a die cut butterfly raspberry gelatin. It was very fresh.

So are the colors of the layers, the most striking

Can U Get An Infection From A Brazilian Wax

Pie squid in its ink

This pie squid in its ink was commissioned for a birthday. Is jugosísima and a tad spicy. Ummmm delicious

Home Build Trophy Truck

I ordered a cake for a guy Superheroes who turned 39 years and it was fun for the color you have and the best, the plump hand of Spiderman. The large cake (from Batman) is lemon cake and lemon cream filling and top (Superman) is chocolate cake topped with mint syrup and raspberry jam filling. Hope you like it.

This is the hand of Spiderman, is made bizcobola (cake crumbled and mixed with cream cheese), which is very easy to work and covered in fondant

From another angle

This is the top, Superman

Friday, July 9, 2010

Pokemon Game Music Sheet

Grandma Agnes, Fanny, on the day of San Juan and other herbs. Open Letter

this to be a difficult task in an internal party candidate without resources, without machinery or equipment to support it. However, it is not impossible. Enough is the belief that it is possible that there are ideas and that it is necessary to break the inertia that is installed in the party structures.

take my car and said and done. Rejuvenate as I go south, I have increasingly less, I make a break in Chillán for coffee. No case is my north south, relive, rain takes its toll and I do not imagine the sadness of my children can not go with these ones places.

I wrote a friend, Oscar Valenzuela, Denmark, and I said that last Saturday he wanted to see the American South from the North Sea, but could not: it prevented Britain. I get to my dear Temuco, Osorno birth to my hometown, I visit Puerto Montt, and how not to visit the hometown of my mother, Los Angeles. I will not tell stories about meetings and supporters, those will go to the next.

Today I will stop in Los Angeles, where her grandmother Agnes. Irma Ines Rios I have six daughters and seventh (putatively, by the way), and settled where one of his daughters. Fanny Wolff. Among tissues, snacks and conversation, the grandmother says, prepare the stew of San Juan. The truth is I was the first time I heard this from the stew and my curiosity got the better and began to inquire details. She joined the talks Sonia Bello, who is Negrete and helps to Fanny, and between tissue and tissue were putting together this little story.

The stew of San Juan is a tradition from the times of the grandparents, the abundance of John in the fields of Bio Bio. Has been passed down from generation to generation, and was a way of honoring the homeowner held on 24 June.

Preparations were initiated with at least one week in advance, as required to hunt birds, fish, pork, beef, chicken, etc.. Prepare the pork sausage, smoked pork. In between, pending the conclusion chanfaina prepared, cheese head and leg, firm, the wound, greaves boobies cooked pork and gilded in his element.

The day before, marinate the meat left in the following way: the beef seasoned with salt, garlic and cumin, pork with garlic, oregano and salt: the bird and the birds, salt and pepper and finally rabbit and hare, garlic, salt and oregano.

The awakening was celebrated Gloria, yes, in glory prepared with brandy, orange and sugar to taste. After boiling is served warm.

Lunch consisted of two dishes, pot kettle first and then give way to the stew of yore: a concoction of various meats and some additions, whose main ingredients are: smoked pork ribs, pork chop or addition of pig flesh natural beef, which can be roast, usually people in the countryside, made with chicken, ordinary people do it with chicken in particular, trutro. Also, take rabbits, hares and birds: quail, doves, pigeons, thrushes, quails, Lloica, etc.

are tired of reading the ingredients, patience still missing cuerito sausage and smoked pork or natural, which has been previously cooked.

Under no circumstances should you put lamb or turkey will change the flavor to the stew.

aggregates are: onions should be of medium size, hopefully about the size of the hand in order to split it into four, bunches of celery leaves and parsley. Cilantro does not carry. The seasonings used are: garlic, salt, peppercorns, oregano, bay leaves (to taste palate), cumin, dry goat horn peppers pitted. A handful of dried cherries.

If you've read this far and are encouraged to prepare, then to get a good background and first place quartered onions, then meat according to their consistency, first, smoked pork, natural pork, then the previously boiled sausages and punctured to remove the fat, then rabbits hares and birds, beef, chicken (in the case to be made with chicken must place it after the pig). All meats should always be alternated with onion ring. It is important to understand that all meat must be exchanged according to the size to be served on each plate. Finally place the last onion ring cover and covered with julienned red bell pepper, a bunch of celery leaves and parsley, pepper piece of dry goat taste (unseeded), sprinkle with peppercorns and dried cherries and finally smoked pork cuerito (previously cooked).

bathes with good quality white wine so that covers a quarter of the pot and boil over high heat for about 10 minutes and then simmer at least 2 hours.

The dried cherries are critical because they absorb fat so delicious stew.

Served with baked potato, spooned pebre, Endal and, of course, a good red. Do not forget the buns (the original southern "no pumpkin) and tortilla smoldering field. Formerly, also accompanied with "catuto." To make the catuto parboiled wheat rye is used, cut in stone, rubbed with butter and made a few rolls of 10 cm or so and were placed on plates.

Best of all is the pleasure of the table with the dishes served and that when one starts to eat: food of gods.

Currently, there are still families like the Wolff who keep these traditions. And for those who have not had the pleasure of tasting the stew of San Juan, the good thing is that it is now possible in winter, without waiting for the day of San Juan. His sons and daughters, grandsons and granddaughters will thank you, and we kept part of our cultural heritage and for a day Leaving aside the junk food.

High in the campaign with a stew of San Juan would like anyone.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Funny Fake Disease Causes

"Clubs" sport "of mountain? "Where?


keep searching ... and I have not found any. At least in my environment ("provincial?", "Regional?).

Although I take the license through which calls itself a "sports", I have not found any activity as such, in which participants are introduced on the basis of their physical form and not having previously spent per case.

Anybody know any club (or association) is basically where physical activity (sport) in the wild without our pockets prey on? Why

from relevant government agencies in sport is still allowing the clubs are still behaving like authentic companies that sell tourist packages, adventurers all?. Why are not required to carry out the purposes "altruistic" (or non-profit) that declared in its statutes?. Why not require them to promote sports practice partners? ... corporatism perhaps ... (As managers often politiquillos associations or government personnel ...), or by negligence and carelessness of functions.

is completely illogical to me it is cheaper to go in that particular vehicle on public transport association.

may not be interested that people make healthy life and sport ... Or see more sports than seeing a few millionaires kicking a ball giving ...

Or maybe not promote the culture effort, work, overcoming ... being refined through our sport. It is best to "encourage" a culture that everything is easy ... and no effort, or training, and that the "walking" anybody can do. And this will only encourage activities "light." Clearly

Xeral Secretary for Sport Or just sell Many smoke and propaganda. Only in this way means that covers the "bars" with a smattering of sports associations, sold (for a fee, of course) tourist-leisure packages, and all this without meeting the requirements (qualified personnel, personnel secured in the SS, etc) I assume that any company active tourism. If these associations that function as "utilities" for both partners to persons other than themselves competing "unfairly" without being molested, it is because one may be committing any act of trafficking in influence (or the perpetrators are not just inept learn, because the "not wanting to know" is also qualified only).

Aviados we if we have to rely on the protection of Public Administration to sports associations engaged only to promote sports. Or that these associations require that their "workers" (administrative, etc.) have a contract of employment (part-time, daily, etc). Greetings

Monday, July 5, 2010

Fitness Proposal Sample

stingy ....


term applicable to those who only thinks about money or benefits, " is so stingy that does nothing if you do not pay."

Unfortunately, this is the best sense to define what any normal person can be found in some associations "supposedly" NONPROFIT ?.... NOTHING! it's free ...

is not already cover costs ....

A company is a COMPANY. But a club "is not" a company ... but it "seems."

a club ("sports") mountain is (or should be) a private entity that arises from citizen initiative nonprofit and for profit community determined (in principle for its members)

Exactly the same definition as an NGO.

But the reality surpasses the imagination, perverting the system, so that the beneficiaries are the ruling elite of the "Association" as the basis only pay no service fees "free."

Services (1) the price paid to gold (not their real cost, eye).

(1) Activities, routes, or even information (if one is not associated by not giving info). The amount of information "free" internet should blush those who argue that the route information is "owned" by a particular association.

He believed that a partnership "nonprofit" was something else ... It's clear that I was wrong ...

Very sad ....

The only way to do sports in an equitable way will end up being that can only be made between free people and not through organizations.

is sad to see the sporting spirit is perverted to it unrecognizable, changing the healthy competition by fierce competition.

If someone (from the Federations) looks to our sport "only" exists at a competitive level, killing the athlete altruistic (and supportive partner), just to encourage and support these "monsters" halfway through the Gyms.

Sport mourns ... but not only by the passing of a great statesman ... the sport is dying a long time ... and the more they encourage "walking mass" and "elite mountaineering, more deaths are the values \u200b\u200bof Olympism.

Very complex will be to encourage youth to look attractive practice mountaineering when from the associations "theoretically" created to further it, just "sell" activities (much more expensive than its real price) available only to socio-economic or cultural elites.

Contact with nature is very healthy, and not expensive ... though some otherwise be committed to .... Greetings