Saturday, June 13, 2009

Southpark Episodes In Quicktime

shared passions! Blog


With the same title published a blog post a "friend" of the network that I have the pleasure to follow and I'll play next. The best choice I recommend their views known visit your blog

The pleasant tingling sensation and read it unleashes can not remain indifferent to who would have "crushed" the passion for the mountains. I allowed myself to highlight (in bold) what I have filled out.

how can I keep having people (directing activities in Associations) who despise and even make fun of this "feeling" of what is "being" mountaineer.

shared passions!

.... try to answer a question recently in one of these gatherings "Amigans" and then of sound appetizing feast.

begin this post by mentioning a phrase that a friend told me these last days, "you have a passion, what if you do not share the same with another person you want?".
Trying to explain what may or may not happen in that case (more common than we think), I think it's best to describe what can be really passionate ...

wake up one day, do something, and soon time to discover that you've started going slowly becoming more than just a hobby, I guess is something happened to us all.

we think that nothing done so far is this point that makes us feel really good.

Anything goes for in a little while to feel really part of something. Many things have started over our lives, things or hobbies that for one reason or another have been neglected.

could not recall the number of things throughout my life I started as a hobby and then with the passing of the years I have been leaving or rather I have left of "passionate", age, work ... etc.

But the truth is that, as I said in any other "post" that I posted on this blog, the mountains and mountaineering has been a before and after what I mean by enjoy things, large or small, is totally indifferent and mind we deceive ourselves when we say that phrase so good that reads "I am content to enjoy the little things in life" because in my heartfelt opinion, we are satisfied with both large and how much to elevate our personal welfare think that we have enjoyed a great time. Small, because they are the everyday, because if we do not enjoy that and just hope the "big" really going to ass!.

The question is whether for work or family, there are times when you drop those "passions" or hobbies over the years have done, that we have helped in one way or another to be better. (and some not so long ago we return)

is undeniable that mine is mountaineering, but as I said I had other, but it is precisely this that comforts me most and helps me to avoid me a little more of everything that I find it a bit stressful.
Not long ago, this friend also told me " you to go to the mountain if you're not lazy eh !!!", as the truth, to go to enjoy nature, enjoy the view of the mountains, valleys, winding roads that rise and fall , the sound of silence broken by breathing at times forced, by the sound of the rivers that come from a lower perspective everything that swarms around for a good conversation with friends, then no, for that I'm not lazy , and I'm not for the simple reason that what to me is a kind of inner peace that fills me fully as a person.

is not thinking only of the passion to do something, it is especially enjoy what you do not enjoy it then it dont want to go home to tell about it only to feel every step that is taking place, because in most cases each of those steps involves letting back hassles and endless things.

able to share that feeling with someone you consider "special", I think is the best thing a person can transmit.

need to feel good and feel good to the people around us (1) , we have the same tastes in a thousand other things and nowhere have the same perspective life and how you live it or not, but what is certain is that at least try to learn from the people closest, whether they share interests. It is essential that we know at least explain what motivates us to do things we do and we enjoy .

In these times we live in a society where success and personal position is everything or at least pretend to be ... in many cases live to work, we think that the more we can gain more whims enable, not devoid of reason, this means that in the end we never settle for what we have, we want more !!!...

The truth is that eventually we enjoy, to experience new sensations, to dream of greater achievements out of the office and will be the most will remain in our memory tomorrow. We cease to be taking steps that take us to places where history happened and where even hidden (often by our own negligence) there are many stories to be discovered by listening to the hands of those who have lived in their own meats, and certainly can not be wound to give a more realistic view of the history of these places, stories that no book I could get to teach, since they can simply listen, learn to appreciate the moment in which we live.

If we just enjoy these moments only point of those who have (2) (called vacation) and long-awaited would imply that gradually would cease to do what we liked doing what at one point in our life has brought stability and overall happiness has taught us to be better people.

As I said before, the mountain is not only up and suffer , is to acquire experiences that undoubtedly can greatly benefit . Reaching the summit of a mountain does not mean anything if we have not been able to prepare for that rise to become a cluster of experiences that fall back on when it is no longer a mountain you have to climb.

Once this good friend back home after a pleasant day route told me that when he returned, it had felt good, I got a smile ... jejejejeje ... those are the feelings that really deserve penalty, those who not only let you taste good, but they encourage you to return again and again to repeat ...

is good to have passion, knowledge sharing, but above all, to involve those passions who you really care.

is very gratifying to read people expressing so well! the same feelings that you have ....

Greetings (1) That's what the leaders will never understand "short-sighted" of the Association who are just looking "customers" to complete the activities .... for more glory the increase in revenue ...

(2) Those who have them ....

Friday, June 12, 2009

Gay Clubs In Nj That Are 18

(Part of this thread is always visible and the rest available for those who want to know something more than that is the personal blog)

This blog is open to the world, with main topics of "mountain."

blog is not a Tour (see below) but on reflection, criticism, praise and also various opinions (if any) on the attitudes, skills and behavior of people who "visit" hills and mountains.

What is a "mountaineer "?

The scout is a person who, in addition to love and respect the mountain and to be continually learning to interrelation with her never left behind anyone and adapting to weak, although it must give up their goals.

A mountain climber is a person of solidarity and respect. Solidarity with people. And respectful of their environment.

The mountain can be a loner, but not an independent autonomous selfish who only thinks about himself.

Practicing Solidarity well understood (not abuse or rogue ...) is inherent to good people, and therefore, the mountaineer.

(Read more ....)

In contrast, the "Coach of the mountain" (which is dominated by mountains ....)'s who only thinks of himself .... to achieve their goals ... or "Monetize" what you pay for being up there .... The lack of solidarity walk in the mountains but never be mountaineers. This blog does not find anything that will "call", even though entities are members of so-called "mountain "....

be "climber" is not something you can buy . He who believes that just because you pay (or have the equipment more expensive, or go to faraway places, or scale the highest mountains, etc) is already climber is quite wrong.

friendship, appreciation, esteem ... can not be purchased.

Unfortunately, many individuals performing physical leisure activities "like" the mountain, People lacking any ethics, no respect for peers and / or to nature, which reach their goals at any cost, treading who takes, spotting, polluting, tearing plants .... will "own". .. no matter who may be left behind ... for me to be mere "visitors" from the mountains, but not someone who deserves to be known proudly as a " mountaineer!", much as climb the highest peaks.

The contents of this blog have reason to be for those who always think the first thing is "being" person and think people.

The hills and mountains are there for everyone who wants to enjoy them.

no longer part of a so-called "mountain club" to "select" its members by Socio-economic position, preventing the implementation of activities accessible to disadvantaged populations. All it out complex activities in days and hours "working" for most of the population and precludes any comparable alternatives on holidays. And prices set "impossible" for a normal worker, not with the aim of covering costs, but for profit. A club "sport" should not be a company, but who knows how to differentiate ....

Pena! give me who believe that only certain "elite" (Such as "gentlemen" of old ... or "high" classes) are entitled to enjoy the mountain ....

"Both have!, So much are tickets??" of clubs and I do not want to be part ....

At one point of revolver both in the "shit" was beginning to stink. If the sports federations were a paragon of ethical principles should sporting clubs require partners who keep them, but unfortunately this is not so.

The Olympic Charter and "fair play" should be the guiding principles of any association or club "sport" that the touting that is open to everyone. It would ethical if their activities are geared to a particular social group are set out in its Statutes (Hay mutual officials, or metal workers, there are associations of "retired", etc and nobody has anything unless attributable why people support or do not perform different functions ....), but if you spend any Ethics by backing what they are going to ask ....

Any sports organization that only do things "sport" in days and hours "working" (Fridays and Saturdays) impossible for most working people in a country called Spain, and only allows (or prevents propose or perform any other) leisure activities (Light and elementary) Sunday (which itself is the day of weekly rest majority) alone qualifies as elitist . It's his right, of course, to be elitist. Not know how the government can provide grants to elite institutions that discriminate "de facto" people who want to exercise their constitutional right to sport as a weekly rest day.

ALWAYS be in those entities where ALL partners treat us with respect and peer .... without admitting or favored treatment servility discriminatory ... Where costs are shared equally , and no one goes "back" for any "Crisis ".... Because, what what value the "partnership" but to "support" in times of trouble? ... A partnership that is mutually reinforcing, at least for its partners. What is it?.

For the "stampede" or go "Turismo Rural weekend (with some walking lie still for" hide ") do not need to be in any association, but" pay "and engage the services of a company .

is curious that the most "committed" and solidarity with those who have been involved in activities related to the natural environment, not just the leaders are often "short-sighted" of the so-called "mountain clubs ( exceptions). Greetings