Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Where To Get Ontario Immunization Records

Yes, maybe, here we see, and no other herbs or simply continue to participate

Maybe this is the last note of the year: there are so few days to the end of 2008. But we are cured of terror. Does not take much time for great things and, of course, that everything remains the same. Therefore it can and can not be the last. On the other hand, maybe good for all, and many use it as the answer "politically correct" more appeal.

conversation with a friend, told him how pathetic my day had been. As he was recounting the circumstances of the day, in different areas with different characters and different ages have discovered the existence of a constant: the lack of unambiguous answers to questions that are answered with a YES or NO. As you read it. The only thing I was looking at the various times was a "simple answer" to a "specific question": Can you attend the meeting? Are you going to give the folder? Did you get mail? Can you answer the letter I sent over a month?

talked to my partner public figures who end up hiding behind the chief of staff or secretary @ did not inform them, because, of course, they always have the best will to listen and respond but "fair" at that time and claimed they can not evasive like "call my office" ... In the end, stay involved.

reminded me of something that happened not long ago. The President of the Socialist Party was in Coyhaique and there my friend Claudio, who lives in the region, said he needed to talk to him. The president said that at that very moment was with the schedules are booked, but if approached Santiago would receive anyway. As fate would Claudio few weeks after travel to Santiago. He went to the headquarters, Paris, and told his conversation with the president and explained how long he would be in the capital. With great kindness, the secretary told her not to worry no need to call him to tell when they would receive. Some time later, it was: it was a sunny day in Patagonia when I phoned to tell him that you can be seen next Friday ... Stay involved.

Without going any further, two days ago, I asked the general secretary of the Socialist Party when they could give me a response to a letter sent two months ago. I will not dwell on the excuses and demases. All I asked for was an answer that was a Yes or No. Very discreet, he replied: "We will look, mate" ... Stay involved.

To avoid suspicion and misunderstanding, I must point out that when I go to party officials made it clear that I am not a candidate for anything, or want to charge or appointment ... just a meeting to see concrete political issues.

The truth is that now you do not care. The speed and diligence SUGEN only when it comes to finding replacement candidates for office. Everything else is a slow, deep philosophical study ideological trend, which finally passed into oblivion by neglect scholars and also by the depletion of the issues raised. There will always be reasons of state and high politics (candidates, pacts, alliances, appointments) that prevent clear answers.

What happens, and it seems that there is the mother of the lamb is that two simple words, an affirmation and denial, yes and no, they mean a decision and commitment. Otherwise, we would have, among other things, presidential candidate and would also start the organization of the primary. However, everything is possible: maybe primary, perhaps political settlement. The important thing is to win. And ask you for the democratic exercise to choose a candidate, then what can I say? .. Scratch and win .... Stay involved.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Wrestling Guys In Thongs

of processions and other herbs or just Captain planet

seems that finally ended the processions, prayers and letters policy. The latest demonstrations these days were made by three Socialist deputies ... Come and let us all with flowers where Lagos ... could be the song that accompanied them.

interest and concern for the future of the coalition must be motivated to pay their respects and homage to the former President, as it would be absurd to think that they felt the need to ensure their places in the upcoming elections parliament. Interestingly, however, one of the deputies Fulvio Rossi, has announced senatorial aspirations, making it clear that "will not be put down."

Finally, after a period of "yes, perhaps not in my plans, not yet the moment, perhaps, etc." Ricardo Lagos Escobar said he would not be a candidate, incidentally damaged the possible candidacy of José Miguel Insulza , put several conditions on the composition of parliamentary lists, questioned the mechanism of the primary and demanded an orderly conclusion. The truth is that it will surprise all the requirements set, ignoring the mechanisms supporters democratic have been generated in recent years for the election of candidates. His self-centeredness undermines the democratic advances of recent years.

parties, parliamentarians, activists and I simply were not up to its height we were not able to guarantee a triumphant return to La Moneda. Our smallness is evident in wanting to participate in a democratic set through an open primary allows us to choose our candidate for President, participate in developing a program that actually offers us a Constitution that serves to achieve a welfare state . Our lack of high-mindedness makes us wish that our representatives in Parliament have commitments real with their constituents and the development of their regions, not the salons where the applications are distributed. Lagos

caused us much damage, but luckily it is irreparable: first, because no candidate is, secondly, the ability to work of Jose Miguel Insulza can make up for lost time, and third, finally, be a primary open to determine who is the candidate of the consultation. In summary, the application will result in a democratic process and no decisions or impositions.

Of course, now remains the most important: developing a program to meet the new challenges and more than same.

In any case: thanks, Ricardo Lagos.