Wednesday, August 27, 2008

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of gifts, networks, technologies and other herbs or just do not stay in the past, baby ...

Among the many things that struck me when we came to Moscow in March 1974 There was one whose significance to this day does not stop to amaze me and that marked the lives of our ancestors and current generations. Apparently we can not yet gauge the social changes it brings. I mean something as simple as the abacus.

In all businesses, shops, markets and restaurants when it came time to pay, agile hands moved from right to left, before my eyes, pure magic unravel the secrets of the calculation.

was there I met the abacus, the oldest instrument for counting, whose origin is attributed to the Babylonians and Chinese (1,300 ac). This mechanical device, used by all so familiar in the middle of the century XX, in turn revolutionized the technique of counting and allowed man to perform mathematical operations on several numbers. If the abacus had a program, certainly we would call a computer. World less known, is the Nepohualtzitzin, an invention of the Mexica made of wood, wires and grains of corn: the "computer Aztec

I must admit that I never learned to use the abacus. Apparently as punishment, I had to deal with in the university with the FORTRAN IV program which only remember judgments was classified in two groups and undrawn. And, of course, that without the command "ifort" every effort "intellectuals" they went to the garbage bin. There was no interface.

All these memories come to my mind these days, when my father would have turned 77. On his birthday he received the visits of his friends. Celebrations and tokens of affection were accompanied, as God intended, the traditional "family gift." A major issue that could be easily resolved with a little imagination in a world where the supply is so large and for all tastes ... playing with imagination, we are seeing: a good book is always frowned upon as a gift (eg "Portales. A historical falsification" by Sergio Villalobos) if I had not read, difficult thing. Another option, a good selection of tangos, your favorite music. Not a bad idea: the latest version of Gardel mastered to accompany his collection of vinyl, cassettes and CDs.

man of simple tastes, but visionary and very modern, the final choice would have fallen in a supplement to your PC. Believe it or not, its proximity to the PC was great. With the two: the personal computer and the Communist Party.
When my father to return to Chile, one of the first things he did the year 89 was to buy a computer. I do not remember the brand or model, but it was one with two 5 ¼ diqueteras and printer continuous paper. With patience and dedication was seduced by new technology, taught himself to work with the operating system and program WordStar. As technology advanced and resources permitting, his team was improving. It was a great moment when he put the hard disk, and what to say when they were in the past WordStar commands and broke the wonderful Word Perfect!

With my brother Bernard, has become a commonplace to say: how to enjoy the old Internet. We close our eyes and we see him shine for his charm and fascination of technology and communications. I have no doubt that it would all day browsing, updating his blog daily, chatting with half the world (literally) and, of course, that would Facebook.

The emergence of the technological revolution in society, and very particularly the information technology and communications had not surprised and would certainly be discussed in the Socialist Party the need to use these tools to ensure public participation in public policy.

I imagine so many ways to enrich our lives ... and suddenly landed suddenly in our reality and I see on television the current Secretary General of Government, which uses no agenda or computer and defined as a technological illiterate.

In the antipodes, the Russian president threatened to sack staff who do not know how to use the computer ....

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Chronotherm Iv Plus Installion Manual

of distance, near, empires and other herbs or just as nature is always stronger.

a couple of years ago with my son Christopher went to Spain in view and considering we were "so close" Bernardo sent us the tickets and head to Moscow . Many springs and winters had passed. The last time he stepped on the land was the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the USSR.

was in Russia, a new country strange, unknown where the only thing familiar was his language.

needed in one or another way to reconnect with the past and I told my brother who wanted to go to ВДНХ (VDNJ), the permanent exhibition of scientific and technical aspects of Soviet Socialist Republics. At the entrance still had the huge statue which symbolizes the union of workers and peasants, a man and a woman with her hands raised together by a sickle and hammer. Ostentatious buildings representing each of the republics that housed their progress in various fields of science and culture. These facilities are now converted into concentrated markets where stores selling all that the imagination can not imagine.

Built in the Stalin era, the exhibition features a beautiful fountain where the golden statues show off the costumes of the peoples of the USSR, one of the vestiges of the Soviet Empire.

Añoranzas as part of a major crisis that has put Russia and the West on the verge of a new Cold War.

On Friday 8 August, when thousands of millions of people enjoyed the opening of the Olympics in Beijing, war erupted in the breakaway Georgian region of South Ossetia. My aim is not entering into the conflict between Georgians and Ossetians and Russia's interests in the area, and the consequences events that occur in our country when the talks revolve around the Olympics, the latest celebrity scandals and Creole cuisine for Transantiago.

Have we lost the ability to surprise or that, despite all the advances in technology and globalization, Chile is far from everything? Will we be the last to hear about the end of the world when it comes to occur? I wonder.

talk with my brother Bernardo exchanged views on the distance, distant Chile are all this, what was the ideological bipolarity up to U.S. supremacy in a world where Russia now wants to position, have a growing impact. But my question is positioned as what? Russia creed professed as capitalism and the United States shares with imperial vocation.

Finally, I can not complete these lines without remembering our beloved John Bustos, the public outcry for his departure to the best excuse for not making us aware of what happens so far but that nevertheless affects us so directly.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

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of lions, births in half the world, family traditions and other herbs.

Maybe happens in all families, but in ours it is very obvious that the vast majority of births occurred in August. In different latitudes, but in August, after all.

Up I know, the "tradition" was opened by my father to come into this world by 23 August in San Bernardo, a city that once confined to the north to Santiago. Furthermore, it took the prize giving birth to a lion family tradition. It was the first lion, that is, my father is Jaime Leon, my brother, Bernardo Leon, and son, Christopher Leon. In the case of James and Christopher agree that August is so one might think that is a tradition of astrology. My daughter Maria was born in Buenos Aires in August and is a lioness.

problems or difficulties to find the origin of the tradition come with my brother Bernard, who as a Lion is not August. Ernesto my nephew was born in Moscow, guess when, actually in August, but not Leon: being Russian was honored patronymic. He is Bernárdovich.

The truth, as always, is simpler, there is no mystery and the zodiac is far from being the cause. The reason could not be other than history and politics. It seems the story, but it is pure and holy ...

In Osorno, my hometown, April 18, 1837 Eleuterio Ramírez was born. As deputy adjutant, defended the constitutionality in the riots of 1859. When in 1872 rose to the rank of lieutenant colonel was appointed commander of the Second Line. After the outbreak of the War Pacific and the capture of Calama, the commander Eleuterio Ramirez was appointed Governor of the city. Do not tell the whole story, but the command of Colonel Luis Arteaga, began a military operation would end in the Battle of Tarapacá.

wounded in one hand and then in the chest, Eleuterio Ramírez fought to death with such bravery that went down in history as "The Lion of Tarapacá".

to his death, Arturo Alessandri Palma, who lived near Linares, met eleven years and never imagined that would be Senator Tarapacá in 1915. According to some historians, was the catalyst for the awakening of the class middle and northern residents named it as "The Lion of Tarapaca"

of extraordinary personality, Arturo Alessandri Palma, was President between 1920 and 1925 and again between 1932 and 1938.

As children we used to ask why the Lion. The answer, if I remember correctly, was that due to the great admiration of my grandfather Arturo Alessandri Palma. It is very likely that it was.

However, at this point I would to say that finally the presence of lions in our family is Eleuterio Ramírez.'s admiration for an infant to another, the respect of constitutional military 1930 to a 1859.

Another point to consider is that our childhood was spent in a house in the street Eleuterio Ramirez, Osorno, until the government representatives Jorge Alessandri he made life unbearable for my father after his unsuccessful bid for deputy the province. Had to move to Santiago, and with it, all notrosos.

Bernardo, not only is Leon, but also a permanent infant. I do not know if they will be reminiscent of his days as a cadet at the Military Academy, but rain, shine, snow every day he walks from home to office and vice versa. In total, eight miles, and when I say rain, or snow triuene "I'm not using a figure: Bernardo lives in Moscow.

So, I think the story of Eleuterio Ramírez solve the mystery of the second name of men in our family.

now missing birth in August, but I think that revealing this mystery would be a great indiscretion on my part, so for now I leave to the imagination of readers.
My congratulations to all those born in August, especially to my dear friend Molly Orellana, Martita Canto, Osvaldo Acosta and of course Jaime Solari.

Congratulations to all the Amazons in different latitudes were mothers of lions.